(no subject)

Jun 05, 2007 16:37


After reverting to Windows XP after the fiasco that was trying to get Vista to work, I find my computer troubles are far from over!

I have kept quiet about this as I was determined to sort these issues out myself, but I have now officially had enough and if anyone could help I would appreciate it!

Sfter updating my processor driver i seemed to have a problem where the computer would boot up, load the desk top then 2 minutes later, crash and restart. Fine, launch in safe mode and roll back the driver. Except there was no option for safe mode and I couldn't figure out how to access it! No 'Unexpected System Shutdown' sign at all. Just a normal boot up and then crashing again.

After this happened about 5 times - me trying several ways of getting into safe mode all the while - the desk top loaded up at a really low resolution.

A message came up asking if this was the optimal resolution to which I replied no and went to 'display' on the control panel to change it back. Without thinking about it I whacked it up to maximum.

My monitor has a maximum res of 1280 x 1024.

The screen went blank with a monitor message 'Out of range'. A few minutes later it reverted to the original low res. I tried to quickly adjust it to 1280 x 1024 but the damn thing crashed before I could!

Since then whenever I load up once past the XP loading screen all I get is that 'Out of rnage' message. it does not seem to roll back to a lower res at all. And I can't get into the desk top to lower the res!

Does anyone have any ideas? Is there a way I can put the operating system into safe mode? Or do I have to completely reinstall everything?

Any help anyone can give would be great and may just stop me harming myself!

And I promise to never, ever, ever poke around in my OS again!
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