Ryn and I have two different opinions of why Cookie looks the way he does. Ryn claims that Cookie is a cat burglar, with the black mask over his face and the white shirt showing under his black jacket. I contend that Cookie is a Reversable Cat, with one side black and one side white. That way he can either A) hide in the shadows by pressing his belly against the floor to hide the white and reveal the black, or B) hide up against a wall by pressing his back against it to hide the black and reveal the white. It is genius that Cookie chose the colors that he did. Bert and Ernie, on the other hand, appear to have traded survival for attention. Being a bright orange blob in the jungle probably doesn't help you hide very well, but I'm sure it's great for attracting a mate or getting petted. At least their patterns differ so people can tell them apart (Ryn's mother still seems to think Ernie is the striped one though).
Oh look,
here's something interesting. While I'm not much of a Potter fan myself, I have to admit that using the Wii control as a wand was a great idea.
In other news, I used to get irritated when I saw reports about more scandals on the Republican side of politics. I have since stopped caring about it. This isn't to say I'm apathetic to politics, but that there are much more important things going on that I can actually have an effect on. These greedy old fat men who think they are accountable to no one will be roasting in Hell while I'm sipping orange cream soda and playing Dungeon Keeper II.
EDIT: I just got my 'A' from Sharon, so here's some stuff.
1: Animals
2: Artificial Intelligence
3: Affection
4: Adventure
5: Affluence (Treasure! Almighty dollar?)
6: Anime (Last Exile, Noir, Trigun, Cowboy Beebop, etc.)
7: Advancement (Better technology means better games!)
8: Acquaintances
9: Autarchy
10: Absurdity
Young and Out of Uniform,