Aug 20, 2007 13:45
Greetings. Recently a bunch of new info on 4th edition was released by WotC, so here you go.
-The Living Greyhawk campaign setting will not be carried over, and will be replaced by a Living Forgotten Realms campaign.
-There will be 30 levels instead of 20
-The number of core classes has been reduced, with several having been merged (ranger has been merged with scout, and wizard is rumored to merge with sorcerer)
-Magic is now split on a per-day, per-encounter and at-will basis.
-Magic items no longer require experience penalties to craft, no longer require crafting feats, and the pricing guidelines are being reworked. IE now any caster can attempt to make magic items.
-The core rules are being taken in most part from Star Wars: Saga Edition and Mearls’ Iron Heroes/Tome of Battle.
-Feats and class abilities have been replaced by flexible talent trees that are unlocked as you gain levels.
-Races have been overhauled and you now unlock racial abilities as you level up, similar to the talent tree.
-Due to the racial ability system, the level adjustment system for playing unusual races is no longer necessary (you just get the benefits over time like everyone else.).
-The skill system has been revamped, with similar skills being consolidated (hide and move silently are now the same skill) and unused skills have been removed (use rope and forgery).
-Prestige classing has been replaced by the flexible talent tree concept.
That's what I've got. Note that all of that is established fact from the Wizards R&D press conference as well as several developer blogs. In all, it seems like the whole process is being streamlined and that gameplay will get a serious speed boost from it. I for one am certainly looking forward to 4E.
Young and Out of Uniform,