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ICHIGO KUROSAKI | BLEACH ultimarecipe August 9 2011, 03:30:23 UTC

WIKI POSTS COMMENTS savior_n_black➀ log count"Huh? Oh, sorry. I'm Kurosaki Ichigo."➁ journal entryIchigo acts sort of like an older brother to Sora within the Knights and Fight Club. Sora was resistant to being treated like a little brother at first, but warmed up to it by watching the other.
➂ limitDeath God
Finisher: Getsuga Tenshou

➀ Both are surrounded by blue energy. Sora gains a Shinigamu uniform and Ichigo is in bankai.
➁ Fast, strong sword attacks as well as flash step fill this limit. It's fast, but usually focused on one enemy.
➂ Finale is Getsuga Tenshou. Sora and Ichigo both release a powerful crescent shaped arc of energy at a single target, with the crescents intersecting in an X. Very, very powerful finisher, but can only hit a single target and anything that might be very close.

Sora: Time to get serious!
Ichigo: BAN-KAI!


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