Mar 18, 2010 12:08

Title: LSD? Hells yeah.
Characters: Cloud and OPEN
When: Mar 17th
Where: Mushroom forest
Warnings: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Summary: Cloud and blue pills.

[This is Cloud. Well, sort of Cloud. Atsureki Kumo, but he'd prefer if you call him Cloud.

This is Cloud on drugs.

Hello, high Cloud!

So, what does a Technophile do when high on LSD? They bust out the psytrance and rave, of course! Course, it'd be nice if he had glowsticks but...hey, he'll improv. He's lost in his own little world of colour and sound and the collisions between.

Anyone wanna bug Cloud on drugs?]

ff7: cloud strife, *setting: wonderland, *event: red pill or blue pill

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