Limit break :D

Jun 13, 2006 03:18

The Basics of your personality.

Sinclair / Sin


Age? (No one under 13, please)


Would you like to be rated as a girl/boy/no matter?
No pref.

Favorite color? Why?
Gray. It's very calm, but at the same time very blah, sleepy
and gloomy. I just find it appealing.

Favorite FF game? Why?
Probably a tie between X and VII. I like how X works in
the ideas of religious deception and concepts of time
and reality, where as VII is a conduction of a lot of
psycological work with Cloud.

Favorite FF Character? Why?
All in all, probably Cloud. The kid is crazy, chronically
depressed, and can honestly be a whiny emo sometimes.
Love that guy. A close second would probably be Kuja.
I love how breezy he is, like taking over the world is
the equivelent of having tea. And Seymour. He's
just crazy :D

Are there any FF Characters you dislike?
I hate Tifa. [sorry fanboys :\]
She's one of the flattest characters square
developed. She's optimistic "OH YAY GUYZ" in the
sense she acts like a moron, and her entire goddamn
life revolves around Cloud. I can understand a
character falling in love, but all. she. does
"Cloud? CLOOOOOUD???" Leave the kid alone, geez.

I like writing, mostly. My other hobbies lie in drawing,
arts and photography...writing mostly.

What are your strong attributes?
I'm fairly easy to get along with, funny [so I'm told]
and creative...I guess.

What are your weak attributes?
I'm more of a hermit, and I have the constant
complex of 'why do I talk to people?' I'm very
sarcastic and pessimistic.

Optimistic or Pessimistic?
Pessimeistic. Its just how I roll.

Extroverted or Introverted? (Outgoing or Shy)
Outgoing, extroverted. Tramatize someone
or make a friend. Just get out there and do
something; you only live for so long.

Confident or Modest?
Hey, if your confident, flaunt it.

Mature or Immature?
Mature. They know when to stop goofing
around and get serious.

Logical or Intuitive?
Logical. Emotion gets you nowhere, kid.

Deeper into your personality

What are some things you love?
I love writing, I love good music and I love
working computers. I love designing stuff
and actuley being happy with the results.

What are some things you absolutely hate and despise?
I hate idiots. I hate people who don't know
when to keep their mouths shut. I hate it
when the only time you really need someone
or something and admit it; no ones there.
I hate asking for help, and feeling weak
and getting no response. Not so much
being alone, so much as no one being there
when we break.

What weapon would you use?
Some form of a rod or stick. Its pretty powerful
if you know how to use it, but its powerful
even if you don't know what your doing.

What superpower would you have if you could only have one superpower (e.g. invisibility, mind-reading) and why?
Invisibility. Its easy to get around, and
its an easy way to eavsedrop and watch things
from a close distance.

If you could be any animal, which would you be? Why?
Cat. Probably an ocolot or a cheetah. They're
very sleek, sophisticated and beautiful animals,
but they can kick some ass when push comes to

What are a few items you just couldn't live without?
My computer. My handy dandy notebook and my
wicked cool inkpen & sketchpad.

Would you rather have a ton of money and power or a ton of friends and supporters? Why?
Money and power. I really do beleive money
buys happiness. I think the human psyche
really does work that way.

You find that one of your most treasured possessions has disappeared. What do you think is the most likely cause of the disappearance?
Probably someone in my family trying to evaluate
me by stealing my handy dandy notebook. Its happened
before. Or my friends looking for porn. Or ghosts.
Pirate ninja ghosts. Bastards.

You have one day (or week?) to live, how do you spend it?
I have a massive orgy, stab my french teacher in the face
and eat a lot of ice cream.

Are family or friends more important to you and why?
I think family is, simply because they are attatched to
you by blood and they simply won't go away.
Friends change, move on and make new friends to
accomodate that.

What is your most cherished memory? Why?
Things with my Grandpa. I grew up with him and my
grandpa a lot of the time while my Mum was at
work. He was really like my Dad, love him to death.

Would you die for anything?
It really depends. I can't think of anything at the
moment, but I'm sure theres something.

What do you think you'll be doing in 5-10 years?
Hopefully going to tech school and finishing
one of my 2239 books.

Extras...(and for all those fangirls or fanboys out there) What's your favorite pairing?!
I'm a slasher :D I'm mostly for Zack/Cloud.
at the other end of the spectrum, Rikku/Paine :D

And which character do you think you'll be stamped as?
I have NO idea. I remind myself of Rude [VII] sometimes,
but thats about all I can think of.

Where did you hear about us?

If you can, please suggest one thing (new question, question to be taken out, whatever) to make this survey better:
I think its swell the way it is. Kudos to whoever
wrote it :D

Now post at least (3) clear photos of yourself. If you really don't want to post any, or don't have any, describe yourself the best you can. ^_^
Well, alright :D

Its technically only two, but whatever :D

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