Some swearing and a touch of blood. So watch out.
The Basics of your personality.
Name/Nickname? Maaaaany. Hale, HaKaJo, haKAAAAA!!!, Hurley Burley, Herr Joss, etc.
Gender? Suprisingly male.
Age? (No one under 13, please) 19. 20 in September *angst*
Zodiac? Libra, tiger
Would you like to be rated as a girl/boy/no matter? Preferably boy but w/e
Favorite color? Why? Brown and purple. They're dark, saturated and wonderful.
Favorite FF game? Why? Tied between vii and viii. Suprising, no?
Favorite FF Character? Why? Ohh... just one? It's a tie between Vincent Valentine and, I'm going to cheat here, Yazoo. *Advent Childrenz'd*
Are there any FF Characters you dislike? Ohohohooooo yeah. Rinoa Heartilly. Whiney princess types make me throw up in my mouth and cry on the inside.
Hobbies/talents? Linguistics, video games (especially at the arcade), bass guitar, going to the gym, badminton, harassing my cat and practicing tiger-crane kung fu. Seriously. Kay, so more hobbies than talents...
What are your strong attributes? Honest, open, loyal, out spoken, perseptive, determinted
What are your weak attributes? Blunt, tempermental, hot headed, moody, easily irritated, can be either overly sensitive or extremely apathetic
Optimistic or Pessimistic? I'd like to think I'm more realistic than either one or the other.
Extroverted or Introverted? (Outgoing or Shy) Extroverted if I like you.
Confident or Modest? Confident for the most part.
Mature or Immature? Work = mature. Everything else = not so much, usually.
Logical or Intuitive? Both. Logic first, then intuition if that fails.
Deeper into your personality
What are some things you love? My cat, music, traveling, my freinds, robots, video games, crappy old horror movies, working out/playing sports, fiiiightiiing. I know, I know. 'Kung fu is an art and shouldn't be used in hatred or negativity' but god DAMN do I love a good fight.
What are some things you absolutely hate and despise? Ignorance, intolerance, liars, hypocrites, fake people, etc.
What weapon would you use? I specialize in stick/staff handling and guns are fun too. Anything's a weapon if you use it right.
What superpower would you have if you could only have one superpower (e.g. invisibility, mind-reading) and why? Probably climbing walls, or jumping really high or flying. If Neo did it in The Matrix, I want to be able to do it too. Couldn't really say why. It would just be awesomely fun.
If you could be any animal, which would you be? Why? Probably a fox. Why not?
What are a few items you just couldn't live without? My bass, my iPod, my PDA and my equipment bag. Never know when you need to kick some ass, rock out or call home, no?
Would you rather have a ton of money and power or a ton of friends and supporters? Why? Friends and supporters. I can always make more money and power is kinda lame.
You find that one of your most treasured possessions has disappeared. What do you think is the most likely cause of the disappearance? I probably misplaced it. I lose my phone, iPod, keys and wallet at least twice a week. Really. I'm absent minded like crazy when I'm distracted.
You have one day (or week?) to live, how do you spend it? I have no idea. Fuck up the son of a bitch who decided I only had a day/week left to live. Sorry. Language.
Are family or friends more important to you and why? Most of my family dislikes/abhor's me so generally I'd say friends. Still love my imediate family though.
What is your most cherished memory? Why? Don't really have one yet. How depressing.
Would you die for anything? Yes, I would.
What do you think you'll be doing in 5-10 years? I barely know what I'll be doing next week. I have no idea.
(and for all those fangirls or fanboys out there) What's your favorite pairing?! Seifer/Squall, Cid/Vincent, Loz/Yazoo or Reno/Yazoo.
And which character do you think you'll be stamped as? Probably Reno. Damnit.
Where did you hear about us? Internet wandering.
If you can, please suggest one thing (new question, question to be taken out, whatever) to make this survey better: Dunno. Nothing, really. Pretty good the way it is.
Now post at least (3) clear photos of yourself. If you really don't want to post any, or don't have any, describe yourself the best you can. ^_^
Pardon the general grainyness/blood. It's how I roll, yo.