
Nov 30, 2011 13:04

most of you don't know, but i'm a huge fan of batman.  probably my favorite 'super' hero of all time.  he's not really super, granted he has unnatural strength if he was a real person, but i mean he doesn't have super powers like a lot of other superheroes.  his power comes from him building an unnaturally strong physique (in the comic book world, it's not that disproportionate) and his endless supply of money.  he trains hard and develops skills, uses his intelligence, and spends money on gadgets.  he's kinda like a james bond (just with batsuit and flashier car).

i really like what nolan has done with his batman.  it's a lot more realistic (in the sense that it could be possible if not plausible) than the previous movies.  so when i heard he was finishing his trilogy i was sad.  then i saw the cast and got freaking excited.  bane is known for being the only villain in batman to seriously injure batman and putting him out of commission for awhile.  he breaks batman's back, which sounds easy but no one else had done before.  i'm going to forget about the bane that was portrayed in the earlier film, because bane isn't dumb muscle for hire that grunts and smashes things with his fists.  he's an extremely intelligent guy who grew up in bad circumstances (actually the majority of batman's villains are intelligent people who are crazy.  batman totally falls under that classification, but gets a free pass since he's fighting for 'good').  the fact that tom hardy plays him is bonus for me (i've basically developed a crush on eames from inception and that carried over).

catwoman....i'm kinda indifferent about.  she's there as more of a love interest than a legitimate villain in batman.  i guess this goes with the whole blurring of the lines between good and evil blah blah, but i've never found her to be particularly interesting.  do i think anne hathaway is suitable?  i don't think so, she doesn't have that sexy sassy confidence i associate with catwoman.  she's too....wholesome in my opinion.  but who knows, maybe she'll be good in the role.

and then i heard my current actor crush signed on to the movie.  joseph gordon-levitt.  i'll admit, my attraction stems from the way he wears waistcoats and bespoke suits.  but i have seen his other work and i think he's a pretty versatile actor, so i was super excited.  rumor had it he was going to be alberto falcone (yes, i was like who?) who isn't a big villain in the batman series.  he's from one of the mob families and doesn't get much facetime.  then i looked again and he's actually cast as 'john blake'.  who?  looking at the measly description "A hard-nosed young Gotham beat cop who is secretly helping Batman to bring down the super-villain known as Bane" gave me nothing.  i think this is actually a new character that nolan's introducing to us, but he's going to be pretty important if jgl has been cast for the role.  this got me thinking a bit.

so i think batman's going to die in the last film.  he'll probably take bane down with him, but i think he dies.  and then this john blake is going to be the new batman.  he's going to prove himself to be intelligent and resourceful when helping batman get bane, but ultimately is unable to save batman in the end.  maybe this will be the requisite traumatic event that occurs for all people to be superheroes.  and then he's going to take up the mantle because gotham needs a batman.  and then here my brain spazzes and equates him with terry mcginnis from batman beyond (who i thought was pretty hot).

so long story short, i'm probably setting myself up with too high expectations and will be disappointed.  but i'm sure nolan will deliver something magnificent anyway, so i'm eagerly awaiting~
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