Mar 18, 2007 19:31
Fuck, I didn't meet my goal, and I am exhausted. Here is the overview of what my goals were.
Sunday (68%)
Chapter 1 - Finish Social Movements section (81%)
Collective Behavior Theory (done)
Resource Mobilization Theory (done)
Indigenous Perspective (done)
Political Process Theory (25%)
Chapter 1 - Conclusion - needs to be the length of a subsection (15%)
Chapter 3 - Finish Every Section
Conclusion - Write it! (aim at 5-7 pages)
Chapter 2 - Fill in some mechanism gaps
Make sure bibliography is complete
Total Page Count of What I have completed: 61
Introduction - 5 pages
Chapter 1 - 29 pages
Chapter 2 - 20 pages
Chapter 3 - 7 pages
Conclusion - 0 pages