Aug 27, 2005 00:45
...i'm a college student. I really can't believe it. It's already been tough. I'm about ready to pass out so I won't write much. Yesterday we left at a little after six. We went to Wally World and didn't get out of there until eight. So we hit the road and didn't get to Pontoon Beach until 10:30. Of course I couldn't sleep. It was like a child on the night of Christmas Eve. I had to be up at 5:30 and the last time I remember checking the clock before I fell asleep it was damn near 4. Now it's closing in on one in the morning and I'm running on fumes...literally. Of the past 36 hours, I've been awake for 34 1/2. And I had to sit through a bunch of boring shit today. When we got here, we had to wait in line for half an hour to get to the welcome tent, were I was then flooded with information and free gifts and special offers so quickly I didn't know what hit me. I then went to take my music theory placement exam. That's when the problems started. I got everything right except for the key signatures, which I've never really learned. The professor asked me if I played any band instruments. Since she already knew I played guitar, I figured she meant something like a trumpet or tuba. When I said I didn't she told me I would have to audition for chorale ensemble. What the fuck?! I *DON"T* sing. Anyway, the whole situation was messed up, but I got it straightened out later. Meanwhile, when we pulled up to my Residence Hall to check in, we discovered that Mom's car was leaking antifreeze quicker than a bat out of hell. So she had to have it towed, and things were looking grim. I needed to get a fan because it was so humid in my room. Eventually Marie and Jason came and took us to Wal Mart. I got a fan and a wireless networking card for my laptop, so now I surf in high speed, finally. I got a cool room, in the basement of one of the better halls. I need to go, I think I'm keeping my roommate up. Until next time.