Our rudeness is a direct result of your rudeness. Without tips we make minimum wage. We pay for gas and maintenance of our vehicles to deliver YOUR food to YOUR door. With no tips, our minimum wage pays for those costs which means we make NO money and pay for you to have the convenience of staying home and having your food brought to you supporting your laziness. Without tips, drivers quit and therefore making the service worse for you because there are not enough of us to get to you in a timely fasion. :)
It appears that you value no one's opinion except your own, therefore, you will one day find yourself alone and wondering why you have no friends
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you have no idea douchbag...i don't value your opinion thats for sure. Not that it's any of your damn business to begin with, but you have a tendency for being such a "deep" person, you look awefully shallow into things...you don't know the situation...so once again, mind your own damn business, and being that this IS BILLY'S journal, if anyone needs to defend him it should be himself, now fuck off kthxbye
Our rudeness is a direct result of your rudeness. Without tips we make minimum wage. We pay for gas and maintenance of our vehicles to deliver YOUR food to YOUR door. With no tips, our minimum wage pays for those costs which means we make NO money and pay for you to have the convenience of staying home and having your food brought to you supporting your laziness. Without tips, drivers quit and therefore making the service worse for you because there are not enough of us to get to you in a timely fasion.
Stephen Michael Arnold
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