May 23, 2004 18:48
Great, Illegal Weekend...
-Which everyone should have everyonce in a while-
Breaking the rules reminds me I'm young.
Went up to EP for the night, and to the mall, twice. Got tons of great new things :-)
I met so many new people, Spent the entire night playing bullshit and pong with people whos names I can't recollect. Was crammed in a house with more people then I ever thought would fit. Laughed a lot. Saw all my soccer girls who were dressed to impress... quite the parrallel from the usual soccer outfits I've always seen them in. Their so gorgeous. Slept at Megans, Made a new friend name Julie Anne. Surprised myself a few times... EP kids = bad influence... But I'm not complaining. Spent like 8 hours over 2 days in the providence place mall, which sounds terrible... but actually was a lot of fun.
I love Portsmouth, but breaks are greatly appreciated.
I love thunderstorms... I love the rain pounding on my skylight, sundays with no homework, taking naps, laughing, driving with the radio blasting, people who interest me, friends who come back into your life for a little- hopefully for a lot, I love how much better I feel after a weekend away from the stresses of Portsmouth High.
-It makes me yearn for summer-
It also makes me think back to prom... yes prom... yes this is a long random entry... Why did everyone get along then? I hung out with so many cool people, I wish I could bring those people into my social groups... all of them... all of you guys who we are sort of friends with. Why is everything so clicky? I hate that awkward feeling when you enjoy a person's company but you think it might be "wierd" to do something with them because you dont really know eachother. Why are people so inhibbited? Let loose. Enjoy Life and enjoy people. They are what make life interesting!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain