Nice to see the dutch tv networks are actually programming for me. Or so it seems.
There was a nice theme last week: 28 days, A Perfect Murder and Crimson Tide. And this week: Goldeneye, Don't Say a Word and Stormy Monday. Heh.
Of course I didn't watch any (apart from Viggo ironing his shirt of course and Sean making one of his lovely nasty phone calls), because I prefer watching movies without annoying commercial breaks.
Also, season 5 of CSI has started (again, not watching for reason stated above) and tonight we had the first part of the Lost pilot. I tried watching that because
eledhwenlin made me want to watch more Lost (I know I already thanked you, but ::hugs:: because you're the best *g*)and I thought I'd catch up by watching the pilot again. Didn't watch more than ten minutes; Commercial break during the opening credits...