Title: Worth It
Pairing: Pieter van den Hoogenband/Ian Thorpe
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: So not true, only entertaining myself.
Author's Note: Written for a rl friend who requested a bit of (domestic) fluff. And that's what this is, nothing more to it, really ;)
He can hardly remember the last time he was in a pool, or the last time he went to the gym. And it’s refreshing, really, not having to worry about his weight or his fat percentage. Not having to shave his entire body, finally being able to grow that goatee that Ian likes so much.
He sometimes wonders why he doesn’t ever consider giving up swimming, and this is certainly one of those times, sitting on the couch in Ian’s living room, a glass of wine in his hand. Hearing a loud voice coming from the kitchen, some swear words there that he recognizes, others are completely new to him.
He knows better than to ask Ian if he needs a hand, Ian insists on cooking for him each night, and Pieter knows it’s what Ian likes to do on his time off. Ian enjoys feeding guests because he never gets a chance to do that during the season and Pieter isn’t really complaining, after all, he does enjoy getting fed.
And so he just sits there, his back against the soft cushions, listening to Ian’s constant muttering and Pieter smiles to himself. Because maybe that’s what makes it worth it, the long hours in the pool, the excruciating work-outs, and all the other sacrifices he has to make for his career. Because all those things, every single one of them, make moments like these all the more special. Almost perfect.
If only Ian could actually cook...