вкраинский колониальный Полярный Сов-ок будет царствовать?..

Oct 30, 2016 07:29

via Порошенко: «Военная разведка должна развиваться развиваться по стандартам НАТО»
Satis eloquentiae, sapientiae parum.

Текст на эмблеме: Воєнна розвідка Украины и лозунг  - Sapiens dominabitur astris /Мудрый будет властвовать над звездами; хм.. Мудрое правило (?) для звёзд(ам)/

Лозунг «Україна понад усе!» наконец обновился,..
теперь чудесатее ВСЁ - «Україна-понад усе!»

Король стоит на земном шаре; астрологи-военные (дозор) с одной стороны от него…

Sapiens dominabitur astris: «He(e) over all the STARS doth reign, that unto WISDOM can attain»
Poetical works. Поэтические произведения. 1622. (На английском):[Spoiler (click to open)]
He over all the stars doth reign,
That unto wisdom can attain.
Egravmg - A king standing upon a globe; astrologers on one side of him.
Mstto - Sapiens dominabltur astris:

I am not of their mind, who think the sun,
The moon, the planets, and those glorious lights
Which trim the spheres, do in their motions run
To no more purpose than to please our sights.
Nor for distinguishment of nights and days,
Or of the seasons and the times alone
Can I suppose, the hand of God displays
Those many stars, we nightly gaze upon:
For both by reason and by common sense
We know, and often feel, that from above
The planets have on us an influence;
And that our bodies vary as they move.
Moreover, holy writ infers, that these
Have some such power; even in those places where
It names Orion, and the Pleiades;
Which stars of much inferior nature are.
Yet, hence conclude not, therefore, that the mind Is by the stars constrained to obey
Their influence; or, so by them inclined,
That by no means resist the same we may.
For though they form the bodies temperature,
And though the mind inclineth after that,
By grace another temper we procure,
Which guides the motions of supposed fate.
The soul of man is nobler than the spheres;
And if it gain the place which may be had,
Not here alone on earth the rule it bears,
But is the Lord of all, that God hath made.
Be wise in him; and if just cause there be,
The sun and moon shall stand and wait on thee.

Нет человека, властного над ветром, - и над смертным часом нет власти, и отпуска нет на войне, и не выручит нечестие нечестивца. >>>

война, карты, , руина, ресурсная федерация, символ

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