What I've been listening/watching to this week:
Romeo et Juliette, the musical. Yes, my need for musicals is so that I must listen to odd foreign musicals with weird ass staging as well. The guy who plays Romeo isn't so bad on the eyes either.
warning: politically incorrect humor with bad language:
Who would a NYC cabbie pick up first? Highly unscientific.
Second season of Doctor Who tomorrow! I am so excited, because I thought it was going to debut with Battlestar Galactica next week. I don't know if I'll be able to accept a new doctor, even though they've replaced him each season. If he had a different companion it might be different. But the show is so goofy and fun, hopefully I'll be able to go with the flow.
I watched Supernatural today. I actually thought that show was pretty shitty last season, but tonight was really good. Either that or I've been reading too much fanfic.
I know the creators often compare Sam and Dean to Luke and Han, so when I saw them burning their dad a la Darth Vader I groaned big time.