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harues July 2 2012, 03:49:52 UTC
ugh, georgia, i really love this one. more than the others you've written, because this is so soft and light and i really like suzy's character here. it's all warm and fuzzy, and i imagine his room all yellow and bright. /sighs/

oh, but verging on M. i like.


uljima July 2 2012, 04:12:55 UTC
i like this one better too, sobs. yeeees, his room will play a big part on the whole thing. the lights and the seasons might change important details about the story.

but yes, verging on m! i'm not sure if i'll be able to do anything /actually/ nc-17, but since she's a ghost, i'm planning on something ~slightly~ different anyway.


harues July 2 2012, 18:17:38 UTC
yeah, i don't see how you'll get any 'nc-17 action' going on in there, but i'm excited to see what's going to happen next c:


uljima July 2 2012, 18:29:15 UTC
necrophilia is a no no.

(crying i just ruined my own fic for me lmao eewwww)


harues July 3 2012, 01:42:30 UTC
omg ew, no. but how is it going to be necrophilia, i mean like he can't get any action with a ghost, unless he FINDS HER BODY. OH YEAAAAAAH.


uljima July 3 2012, 02:55:18 UTC
MUA HAH HAHA HAHA maybe she'll find a body? wo'nt tell, won't tell. because honestly the girl died in the 50s, myungsoo would have to have sex with bones dust.

i don't know what i am saying anymore. SAVE ME MI


harues July 3 2012, 09:21:52 UTC
WHAT. LORD WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. omfg,i cannot believe you said that, ewewewww.


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