Mar 19, 2004 11:26
wow i haven't written in a long time, but who really reads this anyway...
this week has gone by pretty fast monday was just a regular day,not bad but not anything special. on tuesday, jarred came over after school, and we hung ouit until robert got there. he picked us up in his fairlane (i love that car, except for the fact thht it tilts really far when you turn) when we got there we parked, and a bunch of roberts friends including trevor where there. he was acting.. umm.. special.. he and his friend lucas kept putting his their faces in sarah's boobs (he so still likes her.. sad) and she didn't even try to stop them, lucas tried to do it to me and i was like whoaaa don't do that.
the concert was really fun. i went crowd surfing once. except for the drama times 1 million, and the people being dumb. but it's ok. after the concert we were standing outside, and this homeless guy and this other guy started fighting, and the homeless man starting beating the other guy with this chain, and then this really random guy on a bike hit the guy over the head. (that was really funny). the guy that got hit over the head was bleeding and said somethign about getting his friend and the homeless man losing an eye..
wednesday was just a regular wednesday (i was rreeaallllllyyy tired though) oh wait no it wasn't... i went on a field trip to go see the alvin aily dance company (ong they were such good dancers i was blown away), but i was a little disappointed. it was an hour long show, and half of the show was them strething, and making us streth, and then going across the floor.. wtf... it's b/c it was a show just for students and there were elementary students there so what do you expect. then we had a half day so when we got back to school there was only 1/2 of 6th left and ms. harris let us stay in her room. youth group was youth group. blah....
yesterday was ok i guess... we went on a field trip to go see this play at the u of a, and that was really boring and i didn't really like it. it was an hour and a half play, and there were three woman in it. it was pretty much just each woman doing a 30 min monolouge.. boring... then i went to ms. harris' room to do choreography ;)
i was going to go see a movie w/ jarred tonight but it didn't wrok out, :( so i'm going to be home all by my lonesome... (unless i go to the mall w/ ashley and kendra, but i don't think i'm going to).
this weekend should be fun.
next week is spirt week, very exciting. monday is 80's day. hell yes. tuesday is beach day, i dared emily to weat her bikini to school i doubt she will, but it was still really funny. wednesday is famous couples day? maybe kendra and i will go as something. and thursday is class day (now way am i wearing one of those ghetto class shirts whoo hoo '07!! yeah!hell nah) then on friday is EXTREME RED AND WHITE!!! WWWAAAAHHHHH haha that's easy. maybe i'll dye my hair red again, bring back the 7th gradeness (not really, i like my hair the color it is now)
anyway i g2g, i have tog et this assigment done, sicne i was absent i'm way behind lata playa haha that's fun to say.
- Ashley