Mar 08, 2004 10:44
cramp are bad. you don't know pain until you've had them (boys suck!) why is it that girls have to go through all the pain? ok so it hurt for the first time to have sex (that really freaks me out, the whole cherry poppin thing, even tho the first time it might not get popped), we get cramps from our period, we get our period (bleeding uncontrolablly for a week, is not fun), and THEN we have to birth the children. something that big, coming out of a hole that small is just not right. and on top of that we get fat and stretch marks from having those children. and guys, ha, what pain do they have? ummmm can't think of anything....
oh well... i must say i would rather be a guy, except for the fact that i would be gay, b/c i love boys. i would make a funny boy. hahaha i wonder if i'd have a big penis?...
oh well.. but i like being a girl. it's fun
i was suposed to go to a jaw appointment today, but my mom got mad at me, and told me it's a waste of her money, because i'm not doing my exersizes.. kl;sajdghklasjdg i hate them, but i ahve to start. i'm tired of it being locked it sucks big time.
kendra brought me cookies. it made me happy, they were good.
i'm scared for my algebra grade. i'm gonna go in for conference today to see what ic an do. i'm going to die if i get a C, i'm scared....
ASHLEY'S HOME!!! YAY!! i really missed her, and she's back. she brought us back these homemade soaps, which smell really good. i like it. can't wait to take a relaxing bath with it.
well i have to get back to my assignment.