Baby update..mostly...and sorta...

Oct 10, 2007 20:53

Yesterday I had my first appointment at the Ante-natal clinic which is where I am technically meant to meet the consultant for the first time, of course I met him already when I was at the hospital. It is also the time they decide how much you need to see the actual consultant and if they are happy enough with how your pregnancy is going. In typical Caithness style my consultant, who is south african, is not called by his actual name but by a nickname whihc is easier on the Caithnessian tongue. *lol* it amuses me that they seem to do this with doctors here with the doctors full agreement, I guess it makes things more friendly or something.

So, after arriving early, I sat down with my book and waited. There were of course other expectant mothers there and one that had a tiny baby which I suspect can't have been many weeks old. I think most of them were a few years younger than me but not all by any account. It is also kind of hard to tell at times with the amount of make-up that most females are inclined to use. Anyway, I am rambling. First I got to see one of the community midwives who took my blood-pressure and just generally chatted away to me about my health. Typically, as it seems to happen as soon as I see that Hospital, my bloodpressure was nice and low. 109/68 - much lower than any reading we ever get anywhere that is NOT the hospital.

After the midwife, who was mostly screening issues and problems I suspect, I sat down to read again...and waited...and got called in only for the consultant (or rather the nurse with him) to realise that I was not the one he wanted to see yet... so once agian I was in the waiting room reading and waiting...and waiting and waiting some more.

Eventually it WAS really my turn. So the news are that my bloodpressure is not to be a worry unless it stays on something/90+ for more than two days in a row. If it does that I need to phone the comunity midwife. I am not showing any signs of preeclampsia so the bloodpressure is likely just my body being odd about the pregnancy. Heartbeat is nice and strong, baby is lying well (and moving forcefully) and the bump is a healthy size (interpret as big). However I am in for one more appointment with the consultant than usual at 34ish weeks to discuss the result of my third (extra) ultrasound which I will get at 32 weeks. This is not because they are suspecting that anything is wrong but simply because in some women with UTI problems (like I have) babies are sometimes having problems gaining weight. So all they want to do is monitor the baby's weightgain. He did however say he thought this should be normal as well as this baby so far has shown no signs of being particularly small or skinny. So all is well. In fact he said he was very happy with my progress and general health so that is good.

See, there had to be good pregnancy news sooner or later *g*

After that appointment I had decided to do some errands in town, which I totally forgot to do. So this afternoon I headed back into town to do errands (and pick up a Doner kebab for a late lunch as I had been CRAVING one for almost a week, to the extent that I might DIE if I didn't get one). Errands were all done successfully (apart from the fact taht I cannot remember my code to my cashcard and so can't use all... I never had problems remembering it before but today the little numbers are just gone from my head... its scary) and getting home to rest my back was heavenly.

Oh! When in town I was into Shaun's work a few times (to ask him a question, to steal his cashcard and code to get money out and to buy some luxuary chocolates that I love from their christmas present range) and at one stage one I was talking to one of the girls (who has made repeated offers of babysitting, bless her heart). Suddenly she goes "your bump is REALLY big!" lol she sounded impressed when she said it... she is broody girl at times. She continued to tell me that I look a LOT further along than I am and that she hopes the pre-baby will stop growing at this rate or I am going to be REALLY sore. I was very amused. She is a sweet girl and her sudden blurting out of things is mostly very amusing.

The postal strike ended today and this morning the mailman arrived with all my parcels. I have a coat that closes around me which is wonderful. Mum had also sent baby things that my maternal grandmother has knitted for the baby to be. I will take photos of these tomorrow and put them up. It is a paleish purple little blanket and a turquise/teal-ish little cardigan and hat... When showing the little cardigan and hat set to Shaun he sort of laughed and declared them cute. See he is all excited too *g*

We also got the new camera which is very shiny, lots bigger and heavier and ltos better than our old one. We have been playing around with it a bit this night but not got any pictures worth saving. I think i'll get a uli'n'bump photo too one of these days to put up to be compared to the last one whcih was very early. I also intend t try to get decent pictures of the last ultrasound photos so those can be shared. I like having a camera again. Did I say it was shiny yet?

We also got the HUGE box that is the pram/buggy/car seat/ I haven't opened that yet. lol the box is really big, if I stand beside it it reaches to where my waist would be if I still had one! I think tomorrow I may open the box and move everything somewhere else where it is less in the way. And also of course make sure that everything is there and whole and stuff although I am sure it will be. It is all very exciting but I find mysef bouncing more over the tiny clothes today LOL

So over all the last two days have been pretty good. I think tomorrow I will take it pretty easy apart from walking Min, actually being out and doing things the last two days has left me pretty shattered and tired. Of course having recieved all the parcels means that tomorrow after shaun leaves for work I can return to bed and sleep until I am more rested. This is a good thing.

Last note, why are houses in northern ireland so ridiculously expensive.

That is your random update for the night


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