Sep 18, 2007 13:54
I feel like I should write in my LiveJournal without actually having anything particular to write about. Aren't you all lucky? *lol*
My second Ultrasound scan is this afternoon. I am officially over halfway through this pregnancy. Wohoo! This is the scan where you can find out the pre-baby's sex if you so should chose. We of course are choosing not to. :) We are both in agreement on the non-finding out front to the great annoyance of at least my mother and possibly his as well. His mother even called this morning just to find out when today the scan was... not really sure what the point of that was but there you go. I wonder if we get another picture today, maybe this time the pre-baby will stay still long enough for a good picture.
Pre-baby is as far as i know doing well and is increasingly active, or rather I can notice the activeness at an increasing rate from little tiny 'pops' or 'thumps' against my insides to the freaky feeling of something I suspect is somersaults which tickle as hell. How can you be ticklish on the inside? It is very very awkward!! Of course it is also pretty cool and sometimes bump (which continues to tr to outgrow me) just has to be poked and prodded to encourage movement. Disturbing the pre-baby is increasingly amusing. Does that make me mean? *lol* I will probably eb a horrible mother that is constantly teasing her child... but there has to be advantages like that right? *g*
Healthwise things are looking better. No signs of infection in my kidney was found those two weeks ago which means the kidney pain is definitely related to the expanding belly rather than anything needing more antibiotics. Hopefully these results will be the same in another week and a half to two weeks when they'll check the kidney again.
Bloodpressure is looking nice and normal (higher than my usualy freakishly low blood pressure but that is normal) and being monitored daily with our shiny new bloodpressure monitor. And the nausea is still improving and weakening and will hopefully continue to do so.
For those that eagerly awaits the arrival of freaky deaky foodcravings I have bad news. I still don't have any MUST HAVE food cravings although I am much happier if I can eat my two oranges a day than if I for some reason cannot. Plums are also nice. My fruit cravings/likings goes in waves, probably because I overeat on one before moving on the the next one. Soon I will run out of nummy fruits to try! Bah. I like fruit, they are the perfect (and most commonly eaten) snack for me right now. I am still sulking about my inability to manage most sweet things. I want cake, I want to crave cake and have an excuse for eating cake! Maybe homemade cake would be better.... I might give that a try this week or next...mmmm cake.... (apple cake or marble cake I am thinking.. )
Bedrest orders were for two weeks which are now ended. Finally. Bedrest is not fun. It also seem to kill my brain as i haven't been able to chose a book to read for the last week or so. I need to read! Anyway, Shaun was away at a course Sunday to Monday and I had to fend for myself and cook dinner. I made cottage pie as it is ncie and easy and yummy and i had wanted my cottage pie for ages. I still felt fine after making it so I think I will start trying to help out with the cooking at least a few nights a week now and see how it goes. Next cooking adventure will be lasanga I think and with luck I will remember how to spice it properly and not put too much salt in there. If the cooking goes well and doesn't leave me more tired or with neew bloodpressure issues shaun might even be lucky enough to have me take over the dishes... but we will have to take things gradually.
The details for the upcoming weekend has been sorted, dog is boarded in a place shortly outside inverness that has now been recommended to me by quite a few people. Her normal boarding kennel were fully booked, not unexpected with such short notice, and trying to find another was a bit of a nightmare. But finally found this one and the owners sounded lovely on the phone. We got our hotel booked, same hotel that hosts the wedding so I can go to my room and rest whenever I need to. Shaun says the hotel and food at the hotel is nice so I am looking forward to that quite a lot.
We intend to go down in the morning on saturday sometime and have most of the day in Inverness. We are shopping for a new mattress (one where we can't feel every single spring! YAY! Magic mattress!) and are starting to look at, but not buy, baby things like pram and cot and other such neccessities. After all we probably should start buying such things soon since December is christmas present month and January is always bit-and-evil-bills month. So buying the big things before then seems like a wise idea. Can you believe we have bought no baby things at all yet? *g* Oh and clothing for the wedding has been sorted. The dress mum was making should get here by Thursday (all I know is that it is floorlength which i wanted and a blueish purple) and if it for some reason wouldn't get here in time then I will wear one of my pretty sarees (or saris, the spelling is optional), most likely the pale pink and silver I think.
Still trying to decide if I should curl my hair and make it look all different or if I should just have my normal straight hair. I guess it will depend on how I feel on saturday afternnon, curling my hair with the new shiny curling iron works but takes a long time. But hey the curls actually LASTS from that curling iron and that usually enver happens. Not even the curls at my wedding lasted more than a few hours at most.
So anyway, tying back to today it is a very exciting day. Not only the ultrasound but I also get to go grocery shopping. This is the greatest exccitment my life has had in the past two weeks. Wohoo! Grocery store! Leaving the house!! All very impressive and exciting things in the current life of Uli. And on that note I really should head off and get ready (braid my hair, do before-leaving-the-house-things, and find out where I may have hidden my rarely used shoes) since we are leaving in about twenty minutes or so.
If this health thing continues I may even start walking the dog again soon and that feels like a wonderful thing to do right now.
Ok I will stop the blathering for now and leave you all in peace. Funny how nothing to talk about sustained this much rambling.
*hugs for all*