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Sep 21, 2005 16:11

LJ Interests meme results

  1. antonio gaudi:
    rediculously brilliant...his work is as beautiful as ive come across. i cannot die untill i get to barcelona to see it.
  2. beyond this horizion:
    interesting utopian novel...not as good as some of his other works, but i like it none the less
  3. citizen kane:
    orson wells....brilliant shots...what more do you need?
  4. farenheit 451:
    classic....my idea of hell though
  5. island:
    last novel of huxley's. very interesting perspective....posits the possiblities of melding eastern and western traditions
  6. norse lore:
    have to know your roots.....more i read the more interesting it is.....so much has been based on it, like lotr
  7. robert heinlein:
    one of my favorite authors. science fiction that has depth and meaning. some of it is a little out there. i read everything of his i can get my hands on. luckily, he's pretty prolific, so theres still plenty out there
  8. starship troopers:
    book, not the movie. the movie isnt bad, but it has so little to do with the book. it deals with the nature of society and the nature/possible necessity of war
  9. the graduate:
    one of my favorite movies. brilliantly done in so many ways. awesome soundtrack.....probably one of the best ever
  10. thin red line:
    little slow, but a thinking mans movie. and shit still blows up.

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