"..Since all social behavior is the product of the brain, if we just understand how the brain works, he writes, "we can design a rational system of ethics having more predictable outcomes. ... Technical neuroscience can be applied to actual social problems that until now have seemed intractable." Domestic bliss, social harmony, and world peace are within our grasp. Welcome, all, to a brave new world.
How does it work? Pfaff presents ABT-altruistic-brain theory-a simple five-step recipe for good behavior, accomplished in a few hundredths of a second mostly below the radar of our consciousness. First, the central nervous system registers the act you are about to perform toward another-say, running into a burning building to save someone. Second, you mentally picture the person who will be the beneficiary of your action, say, a child stuck in her flaming room. Third, the image of that child blurs and meshes with an image of yourself-you literally see yourself as a beneficiary of your own action. Fourth, neurons in your prefrontal cortex vote "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" on the intended action, translated emotionally into feelings of "good" or "bad." Finally, if the vote was positive, you act; if the feeling was disturbing, you demur. What Pfaff argues is that the default of our brains is to act in ways that are altruistic toward others. Choosing self over other is secondary and less "natural." (Chronicle, Feb. 9,2015)