Feb. 14
Before reiterating N. think of the language being a mere analytic inventory and a way to use it; think of the function of the language as abstracting the appearances into concepts/words which on their own remain mere meaningless contents, so to speak, for as long as we employ them the way we consider useful/valid/appropriate, i.e. before we change them. Think of the One born into no society, no inheritance of a way of seeing and interpreting, but the one acquired in the solitude of knowing, solitude of sensations and thoughts non-uttered, unformed and..perhaps (for the sake of this experiment) as fluid as the sensations, following the nature of thinking/living/seeing/perceiving as constantly becoming ... the paradox of a running river.. standing still in its constant becoming (Сидхартта)..
What would be the "forms"/the "means" and ways of the One perceiving? Would the perceptions/sensations take the shapes of what we think of as thoughts? Would they be concrete, at least in their appearance, as the ways in which the world appears to be for us?
We cannot deny the concreteness of the appearing world, even if this concreteness is no more than an illusion, no different than the forms in which we perceive by seeing and by thinking the world;
the concreteness of its forms, the stability of its presence, the appearances which in reality are dis-appearances into something else, becoming with no being per se.. these are the grand illusions represented through words .. ways of "re-forming" the world (Will to Power, 574, p.309) into thoughts/conditions, into "things-in-themselves.."
but for what reasons?
certainly not the knowing per se..
577 "Противопоставить ценности вечно неизменного (сравни: наивность Спинозы, а также и Декарта) ценность кратчайшего и наиболее преходящего, соблазнительное сверкание золота на чреве змеи vita." (
http://knigosite.ru/library/read/7619 )
March 1
Потрясающая мысль (Ницше 488) - "Действие всегда «бессознательно»: найденная путем умозаключения и представляемая причина проецируется, следует во времени." - очень точное замечание; ср. со знаменитым опытом где и при помощи которого доказывается что человек сначала действует а потом отдает себе отчет в том что он будет делать (о доказательстве существования "free will"). Отбрасывая в сторону причинность в качестве механизма мышления, унаследованый во многом благодаря развитию философской мысли, становится очевидным целый ряд заблуждений о природе человеческой воли (проекция к примеру в понятие личности)..