Oct 03, 2011 12:06
"...Was the issue of progress "partly a question internal to the subject itself," ... and so partly one that required assessment by outsiders as well-"external validation,"..? Is philosophical progress "epistemic"-an increase or betterment of knowledge? Or might philosophy be more like mathematics or art, in which there's arguably no new knowledge... Did scientists' drawing on work by philosophers-Michael Faraday building on the work of Kant, or computer scientists exploiting the work of logicians-count as philosophical progress? Did the development of allegedly exquisite "tools" in modern analytic philosophy, or its "sheer creativity,"...count as progress if it was usually analytic philosophers who viewed such tools as exquisite and effective, and noted the creativity?" (Coming Soon to an Agora Near You: Philosophical Progress? by Carlin Romano, Ch. High.Ed. Oct.2)