(no subject)

Nov 29, 2003 11:57

yesterday was a hell of a day i tell ya. omg, it was so cold and i couldn't take it. we we're on the bus on the way down there and i was the only "kid" on there and it was still fun, but neways, when we got there, it wasn't too bad at irst, but when we got to the stadium, omg!!! it was sooooo... cold. i went to the bathroom like 4 times b/c there was a heater in there. lol. it felt so good tho. i couldn't feel my hands or toes. everything else was fine. this lady gave me this hand warmer, those kick ass. you should get some if your in a situation where you need to stay warm. you can also put them in your feet. you get them at K-Mart. they last for like 10 hours she said.

neways, i got home and my dad goes to the boat and the rest of us rented and watched, what was supposed to be Legally Blonde 2, but the wrong video was in there, so we're getting it tomorrow and we also got Bruce Almighty. (omg the most hilarious movie ever, u must watch it.) well gtg, my moms birthday is today and we're going to my uncles for thanksgiving. ttyl. bubye. (P.S., elizabeth feeel better!!)
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