May 12, 2009 23:11
So, tonight I was supposed to work the baseball game. CU vs. UNL.
But let's examine the problems.
First of all, I was a little worried because of several factors. First of which being there was going to be 3 of us there instead of 4. Little worriesome.
Next, it was raining outside... And we had to bring electronics to sell things. Really worriesome.
Third, we weren't going to start packing until 4 when my boss came in. Seemed like we were going to be a little rushed.
Fourth, when my boss did come in, the comment we got about the space we would have to work in? "Sort of like last year" Which was out in the open, with no cover. I mentioned the electronics already right?
We were worried and the bosses weren't really looking forward to doing this, not with the weather today. They waffeled back and forth until they finnally decided that we were going to do it.
And then they got a call that I could believe.
Crieghton Sports Co-ordinator "So, you don't need an electrical outlet for your registars right?"
Boss "..."
So I ended up not going to the game tonight. Got to talk to Lily, eat dinner, and now I go to bed so I can take her into work in the morning. Hope you all are doing well out there.