Oh how the crappy computers defy me...

Oct 26, 2004 10:35

Ive been told that i dont update much. ANd i have been told more often that i dont post very much about the activities in my life but more about my thoughts and feelings, normally that is what is what i would put in a journal but this is sometimes more of a daily account of the things we do. I just spent the last half an hour writing a post about what ive done today and it was good and it was interesting and now its gone. Its not gone because i closed out the box or something like that. Its gone because of the crappy ass computers that we have in teh social sciences building. First off the keyboards buttons suck, especially the shift button and that just bugs. But i thought what the hell, im just typing an entry and it wasnt that bad. Twenty minutes into typing i use the mouse wheel to scroll down, as i was going to place the cursor a the end of my sentence after fixing a prior spelling error, suddenly the mouse wheel gets stuck and the screen jumps, and if you look at the bottom of your screen you will see what my mouse hit, its a little hyper text that says "rich text" apparrently when you press that your format changes and you entry goes _____________. Flatlined. So becuase of the extenuating circumstances of today i have time to manually recreate for you, the journal entry that would normally be lost to me saying fuck this and leaving. It started something like this...

Lately my homework has been piling up, i have a lot of homework, a certain ammount of time to do it, and other things that take up my time. I have been trying to finish the homework that i had due on tuesday this weekend but i was only able to finish about half of my finance homework. On tuesday i have due finance chapters 7 and 8, a french composition, a french movie review, and a test in microeconomics. I got off of work on monday t around 10 and i decided to head over to pam and robbies because i hadnt seen them in a long time, i had said that i could only stay for a minute but didnt end up getting home until the late late hour of 1 o'clock. I called my worried girlfriend on the phone and chatted with her for a bit and then decided to write my french compostition. By the time that all this was done it was a good 3:30. Now the exhaused person that i was, and how enticing sleep was, i made myself a compromise. I could take a 2 hour nap from 3:30 to 5:30 and then i would be able to do more homework from 5:30 to 7:30 and i would be ontime for school.

Beep Beep Beep--Alarm goes off
SLAM---alarm stays off
Knock Knock Knock--Matthew dont you have school today, its 8 o'clock


no it wasnt a dream it was the real thing. It was a good thing that i had slept in my clothes cause i just changed my shirt, slipped on my shoes brushed my teeth and i was out the door. I got to school realatively ontime, but the walk to my first class made me a good fifteen minutes late. As i walked up to the door of my finance class a group of people were leaving. Normally this is a common occurance as the class is boring, early, and extremely hard. But today it was a pack of people, so i said "whats up?" Teacher isnt here yet and its been 15 minutes. 15 minutes! No teacher! click..The 15 minute rule was in effect! Class was cancelled! So my lucky stars had made it so that my not finishing my finance homework was okay, no class! And i now had time to finish my french movie review.
With an exra spring in my step i walked to the langsdorf express and got a donut and a pepsi (ohh was it worth it). I had lots of time for my french homework. Thinking back i had seen the movie "La femme nikita" after giving a vague outline of the movie my homework was done, the day is saved...but not quite. I decided to go the lab to check some email before class started, a few minutes later i was solicited...asked if we had french class. What an odd question. Do we have french class today? What? I turned and 2 girls from my french class were asking me if there was class. Apparently nobody goes to class on fridays but me, purrhaps they thought that class was cancelled, only 2 people were in the actual classroom. Not to my knowledge i said, and i was actually there on friday, there was no notification of a cancelation, id remember something like that. A short burst of vietnamiese into a cell phone led us to the answer that yes, french class was cancelled! Hazza! I now had pleny of time to study for my econ test. Tearing through my backpack, ready to learn, i find it lacking somehow, a book was missing. Taking a quick look at my schedule, i have all my classes back to back, there is a good 10 minutes between my classes, only good for getting to and from really. No time for studying. So in my mad rush to leave this morning i had unconsciously decided not to bring that book, because with a test and no breaks i wouldnt need it. Oh how wrong i was. For the double cancellation wiping out half of my schedule had left me with plenty of time to study but nothing to study with. Damn. And that is why i am able to rewrite a journal entry that i wouldnt normally just leave alone. Email done. Gothador done. Livejournal done. And all i had actually really wanted to do was study. Its twisted what life throws at you. You get a reprieve on two of your classes, but your third, the one that really counts, you get nothing, hahahahahahaha. Not funny Life. I have a half an horu still until my next class,i guess ill do french lab so i dont have to stay late on thursday. Ciao.

Ulfrick Out.
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