Well....I've been a bit remiss in updating weekend stuff, it seemed to go a rye with a backlog from Whitby and a typical apathy of never getting quite round to doing it....ah well, Whitby was good and i believe so have the weekend since....but seeing this is about the latest casualty i should stop pontificating !
So, Friday night i met up with
dmh in foggy Peterborough and went to
Charters, which is a bar on a very large iron barge and apart from the slight list is rather nice and sells some nice real ales, shame i was driving and only got to try the one !
After we went to Planet of Sound at the park, which seemed pretty good. Met a couple of new Peterborians, Nikki and Zoe and got
dmh accidentally drunk. Alas i had forgotten my camera and only a couple of poor mobile shots exist of the shenanigans.
Saturday started far too early with a drive down to Heathrow to pick my father up. all in all quite un-eventful apart from a nice bacon and sausage baguette at a garden centre nearby. I returned back home with my car as i'd been driving his X-type for a few weeks to see if i wanted to buy it off him.....Its a *REALLY* good deal, but all in all its a bit bland and boring to drive and i really like my little faux M3 styled 1.9i compact - Arse.
Saturday night saw a quiet one with Pizza, Elaine and an old 80's rom com,
The Sure Thing, which had a young John Cusack and chubby Tim Robbins....and lush 80's style....i so want to get a suit jacket, flick the collar up and roll the sleves !
Sunday was quiet with a cinema outgoing that i swear had a smaller screen than my one at home, but we did get to watch
Igor, which was a fun halloweeny movie, however it has one of the funniest and wrongest post endings i've seen....so un-pc and hilarious.
I got back fairly late and as such totally managed to even put the disc of fallout 3 into my xbox, let alone play it.....a tragic fail that i feel compelled to remedy tonight !