(no subject)

Oct 12, 2015 19:32

All this self-righteous bitching and moaning gives me a headache. Reminds me of all the sturm und drang around Thanksgiving when everyone conveniently forgets it was proclaimed by Lincoln in 1863 to be a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens"

An interesting essay about the day : https://theamericanscholar.org/what-columbus-day-really-means/#.Vhv0mMx15cX "Columbus Day was first proclaimed a national holiday by President Benjamin Harrison in 1892, 400 years after Columbus’s first voyage. The idea, lost on present-day critics of the holiday, was that this would be a national holiday that would be special for recognizing both Native Americans, who were here before Columbus, and the many immigrants-including Italians-who were just then coming to this country in astounding numbers. It was to be a national holiday that was notabout the Founding Fathers or the Civil War, but about the rest of American history. Like the Columbian Exposition dedicated in Chicago that year and opened in 1893, it was to be about our land and all its people."

So, you want "Indigenous Peoples Day", you already have it. It's called Columbus Day.
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