log; finished

Jan 11, 2008 02:17

who: Ulf and Vincent
what: discussing the situation at hand...

Ulf had watched the newcomers with interest, but not for long, since the vampire woman seemed to want to sulk in a dark corner - of course, she was a creature of the night, right? - and Jack was just learning to bowl. At least Cassie was talking to someone new and able to laugh; she'd been looking so down in the dumps lately that even Ulf was worried.

Vincent, on the other hand, had been so quiet, it seemed. Tapping away on the computer a little more, but Ulf never really asked him what about. He hoped he was feeling less nervous about Walter, although Ulf didn't think anyone was fooled about what the man was up to. Biding his time indeed. And he, too, realized that the tension had shifted, and was now strung tightest between Walter and D'Namouh. All the better for the rest of them, of course.

Right now, despite Mulder's accusation that Ulf wasn't much of a thinker, he was reading. And not just some depression little sci-fi book (he had found Cassie's discarded novel and hadn't bothered opening it because even the cover was too depressing), but one of the text books related to the work they were doing. He wasn't reading it cover to cover, of course, but flipping through, marvelling at what they could really do with the different types of cells in the blood, and in other tissues, and actually taking the time to read some of the proceedures involved.

Vincent looked over. "Science." he commented, and then went back to brooding.
Walter's words to him on the network had hurt him, actually. He wanted to run over and punch the big brute, wanted to run around screaming 'look what he said to me!' but honestly, would that get him any better of a reaction than Cassie had had?
That Xuchilbara had replied to him worried him as well, and he was perturbed that Curt was back- was posting, anyway, and STILL had not come to see him, or any of the others.
What Vincent's former lovers thought of him mattered to him, of course. But he was also sure they'd neither understand nor approve of Ulf.

Times were, he wondered what Ulf found appealing about him? He'd been nothing but trouble, thus far. He was not a fighter, and yet he was constantly being flung into the middle of the drama.

"Science," Ulf murmured in reply, still absorbed in the section on how they actually took the bits and pieces that made up the insides of cells, and put them into others. That they could perform little operations on such a small scale was incredible. So far in his adventures in the twenty-first century, he'd simply focused on becoming more adept at the whole social thing and, well, trying to be 'normal.'

Finally he realized that Vincent wasn't in such a good mood. Ulf marked his place and set the book aside. "You're not happy. Walter is bothering you again...?" It was pretty much a given that Sullivan was behind Vincent's brooding, but there was more to it usually.

"Yeh. He hasn't said a word to me out here, but he lambasted me on the network. and what am I going to do? tell those guys he's 'trolling'?" he glanced in the direction of the others- Mulder, Hawkeye mostly. Even though Mulder hadn't left his bed yet due to his injured leg, it sort of stood to reason they were leading this little hellhole- the doctor and the cop. And now Walt as well. all due to his sudden spurt of 'helpfulness'. "anyway. maybe I shouldn't worry so much. I mean. The zombies aren't the worst thing that could happen to us."

"Not really, no. Not now. I know it might seem to be a foolish thing to say, but you've just got to ignore it. They know what Sullivan is, and I hardly think any of them are fooled as to what his intentions are. He's helped fortify this place, and of course they appreciate it, but that's probably as far as it goes. Ignore it. Once he's gone again, off on whatever mission his god has sent him on, they'll once again be looking to you for help. Until then... well. Rest. Gain your strength."

"What if he doesn't go? Worse, what if his next 'mission' is to hurt me again?" Vincent already knew Mulder thought of him as a whiner, and that was probably exactly what he was doing, but Walter scared him. "I should probably talk to Lauryn," he said, "I should ask her to take him away." Lauryn, in some ways, scared Vincent too. She was far less easy to understand than Heather, anyway. and where was Heather now?

"Well, hopefully by that time he'll be on the other side of that fence. But I doubt it, Vince... I don't know what's really going on out there now, but it seems to be taking up all of his time, and nothing ever stays the same for long, here..." He looked around the bowling alley, not just at the people, but at the work they'd all done. "Anyway, you've got me, right?" he said, giving Vincent a foolish grin. He wasn't always so good with the words, so he often resorted to humour, although it didn't always work. He just couldn't help it.

"Do I?" Vincent looked at him a little too seriously, as if trying to read into the big guy. "do I really?"

What would happen, he wondered, if Curt came waltzing through those doors? What would Ulf do if Xuchilbara stole Vincent away somehow?

Worse, what if all or any of those things happened and Vincent put up no resistance? Would Ulf want him anymore? Would Ulf even care?

The grin faded and Ulf looked serious again. "You've got me as long as you want me," he said. He wasn't stupid, after all. And he did read the posts on the network. Curt was back, as was the Red God who'd managed to own Vincent for a little while. Hurt him, yet make him love it. Ulf worried about it, too, knowing how wrong it was, knowing because he'd gone through the same so long ago. But although he wasn't merely human, he didn't really have much more going for him other than the abilities he needed for survival.. especially since it had been a long time since he'd taken a soul. He wouldn't have the strength to stop a god.

As for Curt... well. That remained to be seen. Ulf had no idea how Vincent felt about that one, had never bothered to ask. Ulf had always just thought of himself as someone who was there if he was wanted. If not, then he'd move on. Unfortunately, Silent Hill didn't really allow for that, but if he didn't hold a grudge, then what was the problem? In the end, if someone threatened Vincent, he would protect the man. If he knew harm would come to him, he'd protect him. But to keep Vincent all to himself? Could he really be so bold?

"Well. Best to keep our minds on the problem at hand, huh?" Vincent sighed. pointed at the science book Ulf had been perusing. "You understand that stuff? I'm not even sure Hawkeye is getting all of it."

Ulf watched Vincent a moment longer, his lips pulled into a frown. Then he grabbed the book. "Understand.. not entirely. I've never even been through grammar school, or what have you. But I can grasp some of it. The ideas, if not the practical stuff. There's a lot of big words in here. I don't like big words. I'm just big and dumb." Another stupid face. It was sort of a crack at what Mulder had said to him, but Mulder wasn't here, and he didn't think Vincent would've seen those comments. So it didn't matter.

"You're not." Vincent said, "anymore than I'm trying to pretend to have a life by having an education." Yep. There were some mean people out on that ol' network. What sucked most was knowing they were right nearby in real life...

"Who the hell can have a life in this situation? Don't sweat it, Vince." He put the book down again and just gathered Vincent up in his big dumb arms. "Like I said... just try to rest right now. To hell with the rest of them, to hell with what they think. This isn't the place for petty shit." It was like how saturated television was with the banal, the reality shows about every stupid thing, the talk shows that glorified the dirt, the news programs that pushed all the evil in the world right into everyone's homes. And behind it all, hidden under all the pretty flashing lights, was the real world, and the real world was dying. Nobody knew. There was more to worry about than how often Vincent whined, or how sulky the girl was, or whatever.

Vincent hadn't seen any Tv since the fog had rolled back in and The Hill had gone weird again, so he had no frame of reference even if Ulf had mentioned TV. "but this place is too small for infighting, and we can't leave," Vincent pointed out, "the dangers out there, are they even real? or is this a carefully crafted trap, designed so we'll kill each other?"

Ulf considered that. "Could be. Some fucked up social experiment." Hell, even another reality TV program. Extreme Survivor, not suitable for anyone under eighteen. "I don't like to think about the fact that someone else is controlling this. Whether there is or not, we're still in the middle of it. I'd rather focus on keeping my head on straight and helping out. Like any good boy scout..."

"Aah, you don't want to be a boy scout." Vincent glared at his surroundings, sort of mildly hating the others as well just for their being oblvious. "that's the kind of thing doctors and FBI agents do when they're kids."

"I just eat people's souls," Ulf murmured. He'd pulled Vincent close to him so that he was sitting behind the priest, and now he sort of nuzzled his ear, a weird smile on his face. "I bet yours is yummy. But I can't have it. I can't have anyone's..." Now? Now he was pouting.

"Better you than Xuchilbara." Vincent muttered.

He was afraid. When Xulchi had left everything had fallen apart. Walter'd killed Henry. and Vincent? had no idea what to do anymore. He'd already been taking guff for Alessa and her pyramid monster...
In a way he never wanted to see Xulchi again after that.

In another way he had never stopped waiting for him. But he was sure from the sort of things the god had posted that Xulchi was furious with him. What sort of punishment would that entail when he caught him again?

Ulf didn't bother replying this time... not with words. He just held on to Vincent, hoping it'd be worth something. But he didn't know. Ulf was afraid... afraid that if and when Xuchilbara finally did come for Vincent, there wouldn't be a damn thing Ulf could do about it. Even against Walter he wasn't sure how well he'd do. He was afraid that if Vincent did need him, he wouldn't be able to provide. He'd never felt so inadequate.
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