Title: Photograph
Author: Uld_Ases
Chapter: 08/100
Pairing: past Don/Kim
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Je ne possède pas Numb3rs
Summary: He remembered.
Previous chapters:
Idaho and California boysNotes: 100 words!
lillygGraphics (size, and artist):
He remembered when everything seemed perfect. He had a good job, his wonderful Kim, and the rest of the life to spare. And then, he received the call. He recollected now that it was his brother that called him, telling him the horrible truth. His mother was dying. Until now, he’d been sure that it was his father. Some things aren’t troubled anymore. Like his love for his baby brother, so easily worried, just like their mother.
Yesterday, he was mourning over a photograph of him and Kim, his apparent perfect life. He knows now, that he has the real thing.