Title: Scrabble
Author: Uld_Ases
Chapter: 01/100
Pairing: Charlie; Colby
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Je ne possède pas Numb3rs
Summary: It is a hot thing when Charlie is concentrated.
Previous chapters:
Idaho and California SeriesNotes: 100 words!
Beta(s): none! All mistakes mine!
Graphics (size, and artist):
It was a hot thing, Colby thought, to see Charlie so concentrated. And it was a shame which that focus was for the game they were playing. It was almost noon; Charlie has come this morning with a scrabble. He didn’t think someone wanted to see him after the Chinese fiasco. But Charlie did. He came and they talked. Then he asked if he wanted to play. Charlie said he had a surprise, if he won. Colby snorted. Charlie’s spelling was legendary. Obviously, he won. Charlie pouted a little and said he’s getting his reward. Charlie’s lips were on his.