Aug 19, 2005 18:58
so Im all moved in to my room in Ithaca. I still have some organizing and such to do, but Im kinda tired, so Imma just leave that for later. I must say that the view from my window is AMAZING. the view is of this gorgeous lake that Ithaca College overlooks from the mountain. Overall, it is really awesome here, already met some girls on my floor, and my roomate comes Sunday, and Kel comes tomorrow! The only thing I have to complain about car- they stuck me in the freshman lot because, even though technically Im a sophomore, I am a FIRST-year student at Ithaca...BUMMMMMER!!!! oh well, atleast I have my car here.
As for the last few days before I left, they were ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Wednesday I finished packing, and then at 3, Sarah and I went down to visit Rahul. She had actually said, how cool would it be if he woke up while we were there?? of course, I shrugged this off and said, it hasnt even been 2 weeks since his accident, and while i would LOVE that, it just isnt going to happen. We made posters for his room Tuesday night cause his momma asked us to decorate :) i felt honored! so, when we came in, his family had been saying that he had been opening his eyes that day, and I was like what, no way. So sarah and I started putting up the posters, and the tape, when we were ripping it was making a loud noise in his room, and all of a sudden, he just opened his eyes wide open and looked right at us, as if to say "STOP THAT" haha. It was soooo awesome. They actually took him completely off of the ventilator while we (and his family) were there and he just began breathing on his own. That was so awesome!!! He looked SO good compared to the first day we went (which was 6 days after the accident). After his family left, we kept telling him to try to squeeze our hands, and he was definitely moving his fingers on my side, and sarah said he was doing the same on her side! I was sooo freakin excited. I still cant believe that just 13 days after his accident and he was opening his eyes and trying to squeeze our hands on command! Keep your prayers up everyone!!
Well, thats it for now, I should finish organizing my room and such...