A while back I posted about a possible vegan cupcake stall to be held in Manchester, on behalf of Manchester Dogs' Home. I've now got some more details, so I thought I'd update everyone here and try to encourage you to come along! :)
The stall will be held outside The University of Manchester Student's Union (Oxford Road) on Wednesday 22nd April, between 11am and 2pm. I'm raising money on behalf of Manchester Dogs' Home, and handing out leaflets from Viva! containing information on a vegan diet.
I'm actually looking for volunteers to help out, even if only for half an hour at a time, so if you can spare any time at all, please let me know the times you're free between and your mobile number so that I can have an idea of when to expect people to turn up. There will of course be payment in the form of free cupcakes!
Even if you can't volunteer, it'd be really lovely if you can come down and say hi :) If you know of anyone who may be interested in eating tasty cupcakes and giving money to a good cause, I've made a Facebook group here: