half the reason i don't post often is because i can never remember the difference between the different pages or work out if i should post to asperger or just ukulele_player. has anybody got a quick explanation? i don't think i'm always just contacting people who are friended. also, is it important i check with people before i friend them - i don't
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If you post on asperger, anyone who has set asperger as a member community (and, again, has not turned the option to see its posts off) will see your post. This will include a lot of people who are not on your friends list, nor are you on theirs.
Personally, I don't see the big deal about other people putting you on their friends list, but there is kind of an informal rule of etiquette that you should ask permission before you friend someone. The reason for this is that anyone who has set you as a friend can see your non-locked posts, so if you're in the habit of leaving your posts unlocked but still want them to stay private (no, I don't understand why you'd do this either), you want to control whose friends list you're on.
Hope this helps :)
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