
Feb 07, 2009 15:10

      So here's the skinny. Kip called me today and told me more about the project. It's not a film, but a theatre production. Originally, the deadline was August, but now it's March. That's right, less than a month. He's also told me that we will probably travel with the production doing the make up each time. With that said, I'm putting my two weeks notice in. I will have virtually no time this entire month since the deadline is so soon. The second Kip receives the check for supplies, we'll be nonstop working on the prosthetics, make up, clay molds, etc.

Now, when the actually travel comes into play, I don't know. I do know he listed off a few cities, but the only one I remember is Shreport, LA since my family has friends from there. :P It's Northen Louisiana, so it's less city and more backwoods. I seriously can't wait for this opportunity, though. At this point, it appears I might be going into special effects rather than tattoo art, which isn't bad. It's actually quite badass. If by chance this turns into a solid career, I might be moving to California in the distant future. Now that's a purely hypothetical outcome, but it is a possibilty. There's a signficantly higher chance for gig over in Hollywood, and one of Kip's assistants is already out there.

I'm thinking back on all of this, and I really think it was awesome. Had I not called Kip the second I saw the flier on the door at Eddie's Trick Shop, I may have never gotten this opportunity. Thanks to Lisa for egging me on to do it, too. We had been up all night as I recall. So this is pretty wicked. I'm uber excited.


Although, I still have to discuss it with my father.
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