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Oct 18, 2005 22:09

Well just in case you didn't like Bush's latest nomination for whatever reason, here is one more! Thanks to the Cunning Realist...... I applaude thee......

DUE DILIGENCE: You can't make this stuff up. The counsel to the president of the United States wasn't licensed to practice law in D.C.:

"Earlier this year, I received notice that my dues for the District of Columbia Bar were delinquent and as a result my ability to practice law in D.C. had been suspended. I immediately sent the dues in to remedy the delinquency. The nonpayment was not intentioned, and I corrected the situation upon receiving the letter."

I guess we can knock "detail-oriented" off her ever-shrinking list of qualifications.

Here is one more reason to hate the RIAA:

Anderson, who was accused of downloading gangster rap via the Kazaa file sharing network under the login gotenkito, claims that she has never engaged in piracy. According to Anderson, shortly after she received notice of the suit, she was contacted by the Settlement Support Center, which claimed that a company called MediaSentry illegally infiltrated her computer and found evidence of copyright infringement. Anderson, who has no interest in gangster rap, contested the accusation and even requested that the Settlement Support Center inspect her computer to verify her innocence.

Brace yourselves, this is where it really starts to get freaky. In her countersuit, Anderson claims that the Settlement Support Center acknowledged the probability of her innocence, but informed her that should she refuse to settle, the RIAA would proceed with a suit in order to discourage others from attempting to defend themselves against unwarranted litigation.

And for some more fun, check out this massive search of Google Maps. Pay special attention to the later picture that has a nice big big-out mark over the US-Canadain border. And this is after the the White House was finally 'unblurred' from the system, but you can see the entrance to the US NORCOM site! :-0
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