Sep 06, 2005 00:32
I'm back from Frankfort. I didn't really do anything of note except hang out with the fam and go the beach. Fun times. I have a nice sunburn to show from it, but o well. Well worth it. I read a book Lynsey got me for my birthday, and I must say it was a pleasant escape from the daily adventures of me.
I'm about to cuddle into my bed reading International Relations because I am wayyy behind on my reading. Or I could just put it off til tomorrow like I plan to do with the rest of my homework. I really doubt that I will be able to absorb anything tonight due to sleepiness.
I think I have somewhat recovered from my funk. I would love to say that I am jubilant and excited to return to classes, but I think thats a tad crazy to even think about at this point. I just finished watching Sin City with Dee. My my. I liked the effects and graphics. Acting was good. Could have done without the blood and gore. Kind of freaked me out in some parts, but I guess those sorts of things happen. This reminds me of ER so I have to look up when all of my shows start. I just bought a planner (after I failed to do some extra credit hw in my econ class..buggers) so I will be all planny and shit. Actually write stuff down? I will probably last less than a week, but you can't blame me for trying.
I think this semester will probably be the hardest yet. Learning phonetics and german will pretty much occupy my memorizing skills and trying to comprehend politics and econ...zut. I might as well quit and begin applying for a new job.
Speaking of which I am looking for employment. Anywhere. Doesn't matter. I can't be working everyday and making close to nothing. I have nothing saved because of Europe and its pretty much freaking me out. I need to get some shifts at a restaurant of some kind. Perhaps pull my connections at Macaroni Grill? We shall see.
I am redoing a lot of the pics in my frames. Its amazing how you just stop talking to people and lose touch. Plus I have sweet Europe pics and I must show them off.
I am going to bed. Its calling me.