Jul 02, 2009 17:45
woo hoo!
Feedback on good/bad or indifferent when I return :)
In other news chooks are laying well, currently getting 3 eggs pretty much everyday. I just gave away 22 eggs last week and the fridge is over flowing again!
Finally started to get all my school resources in order and compiling a list with ideas for particular units on it that links to the different resources I have. Although the curriculum at KS3 has changed now for year 7, will in Sept for year 8 and the next year for year 9 I am sure there is sufficient overlap that lots of things can still be used. Some practicals are staples that have been done since the dawn of time!!
The bathroom is STILL NOT FINISHED, the other day they said on the radio the problem with DIY is that it never really gets finished and right now my bloomin bathroom is testament to that. I need to get my hands on an electric tile cutter to cut down all the edge tiles to size, cut the bath end to size and get my friend to put in the shower, put up a shower rail and hang a shower curtain AND THEN AND ONLY THEN will it be finished!