[Log:Ukitake and Urahara]
[Log takes place Sunday night]
Just two old friends catching up and having a few drinks.
Urahara Kisuke, as much as he adored and loved his meow-cat was very tired estrogen and the drama that came with
it. It was time for HIM to get out. From under his signature hat he looked down at his phone as he browsed through
the list of numbers. He had hardly contacted any of these people for a while now. When came across the number of
an old acquaintance he smiled and had the phone dial his number.
Ukitake had just returned home from grocery shopping. Today was one of his few days off of work, so it gave him
time to get some shopping done. He took them over to the kitchen counter and set them down. The silence inside of
the apartment was broken when he heard his phone ring. He turned his head in the direction of the phone before he
walked over to it. He checked the caller ID, the number seemed familiar. He picked up his phone and turned it on as
he placed it to his ear "Hello?"
"Hey there old man," Urahara mused in his usual tone of voice, that was highly recognizable. "Long time no see."
Ukitake chuckled a bit, "Urahara-san. Long time no see." He walked away from the phone base and into the kitchen.
" What's up? "Once in the kitchen he started to put away his groceries.
" Ah, I'm in the mood to get out of my house for once. Are you busy?"
" Ah, I see. No I'm not busy at all. Why? "
"Because I need to get a sip of scotch. Care to join me to catch up?"
"Sure. I haven't had a drink in a while. Where do you want to meet?"
"Ah remember that little place we went too after graduation last year? I believe it's near that large bookstore down
town?" he questioned. "That sounds like a decent enough place. It's light on weekdays we should be able to have a
drink in peace."
"That place? Yes, I remember it. I can meet you there in about... twenty minutes. Is that alright?"
"Twenty-five," Urahara replied. "I need to get some gas in Benihime on the way there."
"Alright then. I will see you there, Urahara-san." Ukitake put away the last grocery and exited the kitchen.
"Ja." He hung up his phone before grabbing his trusty cane and his keys. On the way there he filled up the tank and
grumbled about how much gas prices were sucking at the moment then made his way to the bar he indicated. It was a
social place that didn't have anything special about it, which was fine with him. Mostly old people went there,
especially on weekdays, which was also fine with him.
Ukitake put his phone back on the base. Though before he had the chance to walk to the door, a coughing fit came
on. He placed his hand on the wall to support himself. He had really over worked himself today. Once the coughing
had subsided he got a drink of water before departing. Once he arrived at the destination he sat in silence over on
bar stool while awaiting Urahara.
Even amongst the older men in the small place, Urahara had no problem spotting Ukitake amongst the other white
heads in the room. "Ah!" He sat down next to him and breathed in. "Good to get out to stretch my legs." He took of
his hat and placed it on the bar as he turned to Ukitake and smiled. "How you've been, Ukitake-san?"
Ukitake looked over to Urahara as he sat down and smiled warmly. "I've been good." He shifted a bit in his stool to
turn toward him a bit. "You know, school, work. What about you? How have you been?"
"Oh, growing old," he chuckled. "I turned in all of my finals I took. I was doing Internet courses being that I traveled
quite a lot. Now, I think next semester I'll end up taking some courses on campus though. I don't plan on doing as
much traveling after all."
"Traveling? That must be fun. I wanted to finish up with school before I travel anywhere." The bartender came over
and placed down two glasses of scotch, Ukitake ordered be Urahara arrived. "What are you going to school for
"Business Management and Communications," he replied. "Big surprise." He laughed. "I'm lucky my old folks left me
with enough cash and a business to keep me going."
Ukitake looked to his glass and picked it up. He swirled it around a little as he looked into. "That must be pretty
tough on you, though. Maintaining a business while going to school. I want to start my own bakery, but I don't
think I could be able to while going to college as well. Not to mention I need to raise the money to buy a place." He
brought his glass to his lips and took a small sip.
Urahara did nearly the same action with his glass before sipping it. "Ah well, I'm not a full-time student and it isn't
like I have an option of closing the business. Though it's slowed down with walk-ins I still get plenty or orders.
Which I don't mind one bit. Ah, I've had Rukia-chan contact me a couple of times, seems she's surviving. Has she
gotten a hold to you?"
Ukitake blinked a few times, "Rukia-chan? I heard she was around again but... no, she hasn't contacted me yet. I
hope that she is doing well. By the way, how is Yoruichi-san? We had dinner a while back, I hope she is still doing
well." He took another sip from his drink; this one was bigger than the last. It had been far too long since his last
Vibrant as ever," Urahara replied. He was hoping to avoid her as a subject just a little longer. "We're getting married,
"Wow." Ukitake said in shock. This was the first that he had heard of this. "You two are getting married?
Congratulations, Urahara-san Though you don't sound too sure it will happen, is there something wrong?"
She's just...reckless, I should say about everything including the engagement... " He took another swallow of scotch.
Ukitake finished off his glass and placed it down. He signaled the bartender for a refill. " Reckless? How so?"
Urahara rather not have said anything, but this was Ukitake, so he figured he could trust him enough. "She tends to
go out a lot, without me and wakes up the next morning forgetting exactly what she did."
"Ah." Ukitake watched the tender as he filled his glass. "I had no idea. I can see why you have your doubts then.
How long has she carried on this way?" He looked back over to Urahara as he questioned him.
"Well, she doesn't to it often.... Can I get some cherries please?" he asked the tender.
"Have you asked her to stop?" He was guessing that he had talked to her about. He brought his glass back up to his
lips and took another sip before he lowered it again. " I mean, marriage is a serious thing. Are you even sure that you
two are ready for it? "
"I have," he replied. "She said this time she really will try. I just hope she lives up to her words. I thought we were
when I asked her."
Ukitake smiled once more. " As long as you're sure you have my support. I'll even make the wedding cake for you
two, free of charge." He was sure that his boss wouldn't mind at all. He went to raise his glass again but another
sudden cough fit stopped that. He brought his free hand up to cover his mouth as he coughed.
"You really should see a doctor about that, old man."
Ukitake lowered his hand and took in a deep breath. "Yeah." He chuckled a little bit. " But I'll be fine... I've learned to
live with it. "
"If you don't see a doctor you might not be living much longer."
" You're probably right. I guess I'll make an appointment when I get back home." He stared down at his drink, not
lifting it for another sip. "So what are you plans for you the summer? "
"Hopefully going to Rio."
That sounds like it would be some fun. I hope you enjoy your trip. That is if you do go." Ukitake lifted his arm and
checked his watch. "I should probably get going."
"Ah, yes, same here. Thank you Ukitake, we should do this more often."
Ukitake stood up and took out his wallet. "Yeah. I don't get out to have fun as much as I should." He took some
money out of his wallet and placed it down on the bar top. "Have a few more drinks, it's on me." He turned around
and started to leave the bar. "I'm free around this time if you ever want to hang out again."
"I'll be sure to call, you." He reached to shake his friend's hand. "Thanks."
He turned back to face him and shook his hand. "No need to thank me Urahara-san. We're friends, right?" He smiled
to him once more. He waved to him before leaving. " See you later."
"Ja ne"