how to tag and make your post clean.

May 29, 2030 18:49

I have tried to approach the mods about this, but nothing has really happened. So, I'm just going to come out and set things right. Mods, I apologize beforehand. I will certainly delete this if it bothers you. :) And, members that are uncertain of html and formatting, please take the time to check through this.

I saw at kpfw that a couple of kids were going to get together and pm the mods about the tags and other things. But then, they couldn't really get through. So, I thought that since the mods are busy or inactive, I would put out some rules. These are by no means engraved in stone, so feel free to ignore me. Also, I'm doing with the best of intentions, so don't feel offended either. I really do love all of you. :3

First off, authors, don't make up your own tags. I understand that sometimes there isn't a tag for a pairing you're writing. However, some of you have been making up tags about your individual stories and that's a little rude to the other authors. Not naming names.

So, for all of you that aren't quite familiar with LJ, here are some tips.


You need only three/four tags.
± author: yourusername
± pairing: member/member
± rating: g/pg/pg-13/nc-17 - [ those are all the ratings needed. please, don't add your own. & if you are unsure of what to rate your fic, go here. ]
± if it's a crossover, simply use the !crossover tag. \o/

Now, moving on to actually taking the time to make your post look clean.

± Don't use funny fonts. It's no fun looking at your fpage and seeing bright neon colors. Personally, I immediately skip over colorful posts. I like to see the basic information all neat and organized.


Everyone has a special way to post this information.

I go by this:

Fic Title  [Pairing]  rating/genre
{ Summary. Keep it simple, make it interesting. Lure readers in. }
additional notes such as dedication

You can always do the following:
[make sure you are in HTML instead of Rich text.]

Title: Your Title here
Pairing: Name/Name
Rating: PG/PG13/NC17/G
Summary: Vaguely refer to plot or simply state the basic idea.

Now, if you wish to not post directly to the comm, use the following formatting:

Title: Your Title here
Pairing: Name/Name
Rating: PG/PG13/NC17/G
Summary: Vaguely refer to plot or simply state the basic idea.

Excerpt from your fic. One to two sentences is sufficent.

Title: Your Title here
Pairing: Name/Name
Rating: PG/PG13/NC17/G
Summary: Vaguely refer to plot or simply state the basic idea." ">Excerpt from your fic. One to two sentences is sufficent.

Moving on:


Don't fill those out. It clutters the comm and no one really cares anyway. :D


± Set limits. Don't lock your entries and tell people to friend you in order to read. Your fic has to be open for at least 72 hours before you lock it.

In General:

± Don't copy and paste from Word or anything like that because it will mess with the formatting.
± Try to be respectful when others fail to follow the rules, but please don't hesitate in pointing the mistakes out.
± Some authors may be brand new to fanfiction, so be patient.
± Remember to fill out the Subject: area with the title of your fic.
± HEY, use the preview option. Make sure you italicized and bolded the right things. [The LJ cut won't show in the preview, just so you know.]

I will watch over you guys. 0_0
Don't hesitate to ask for help, by the way. I would be glad to walk you through if need be. ♥
A lot of the authors here are html savvy so if they're trying to help you, let them. We have nice people here anyway, so don't feel insecure.

± If someone offends you, don't come to me. Really, I'm not the mod or anything.
± Post and read with the mentality that you can't always get what you want.
± I'm sure half of you won't take me seriously because of my html/imagery abuse.

An example of good formatting as far as posting on the comm goes. I hope you don't mind, author. :D

± Additionally, for chaptered fics, try not to make a list. Instead, space them out like this:

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3


1 - 2 - 3


Anything else that's not a list. Lists are obnoxious and take up too much space. So, keep it nice and compact. :)

± If we all abide by the rules, we can keep this young fandom growing and attract more readers/authors. Plus, it just makes it that much easier on the eyes. :D

± If you have any questions or complaints, do come and ask. ♥

Can you tell school is over for me? >:D


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