Title: Baby Fish
Pairing: Kevin/Eli, Kevin/Kibum
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Why I have to join this crazy idea? And meet the most-annoying-guy on the earth. Ah~ but I still have my boyfriend to please me.
Warning:Err, bad English and lame story XP
First :
Second :
Third :
Fourth (
Fifth Baby Fish )
Comments 5
It was awesome. My eyes were aching . But I feel like the need to read this. Yo. Lol
why your eyes were aching?? DX
And Kevin's really funny. Lol.
Woah! That’s awesome! But it was amazing because I didn’t win it!!”
He shouldn't have kept Kibum waiting :(
Did Kibum not say anything about it? (When was he so nice? XD)
he went out for sashimi and took the chance to meet eli^^
that's why he won't order and went quickly after that XP
does it make sense?
never mind XDD
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