Title: 1+1=3
Group: U-Kiss
Pairing: Shin Soohyun/Shin Dongho
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Yet another high school AU.
Summary: Shin Soohyun thought working temporarily as a teacher in a high school would be a peaceful, relaxed experience. Clearly, he was oblivious to a number of possibilities.
N/A: I can't believe I'm actually reviving this, I'm so glad. My apologies to anyone who was waiting for it, I actually made a post explaining why I was away and then more complicated things happened. But thanks for your patience? :D
This probaly isn't the best come back, but, oh, well. 1+1=3 series are back, hopefully for good.
chapter one;
chapter two;
chapter three;
chapter four;
chapter five;
chapter six;
chapter seven;
Well, hadn’t that been quick? )