This happened...

Nov 11, 2011 02:30

Kyosuke Mamou has never been so humiliated in all his life. Not even his expel from the academy wasn't that shameful. Then, he didn't have to wander around some woods, with only his underwear left to cover his body. Not only that, now his whole clan would be destroyed because he couldn't 'kill' Lupin.

Falling for such a ridiculous act... How could I? Mamou kept asking himself that question, not sure if he would ever get an answer for that in his lifetime.

After walking around for a while and finally realizing that he was lost, he sat down on the ground and leant against a tree. Traveling through time and to wherever he wanted to for so long, without having to follow any particular path, made something as simple as crossing some woods very hard.

But still, if he got out of those woods, what would he get? He had lost the only thing that mattered to him and building yet another time machine would take a lot of time, money and motivation, three things he really didn't have at the moment, so he really wasn't in a hurry to go back to civilization.

Taking a look around for a moment, he could swear that he saw the shape of a house in the distance.

Better than nothing I guess. Mamou thought, getting up and walking to where the supposed house was. Even though he wasn't willing to face civilization again, walking around like that was highly embarrassing, so maybe he could get him some clothes.

In ten minutes or so, he was in front of said house. It was made of wood and it looked a little bit old, but it was still standing firm, and that's what mattered. More than that, there was smoke coming from the chimney at the top, so definitely someone was living there.

He stood there for a moment. Whoever lived there, probably wasn't going to lend him clothes just because. He needed to make up a story to go with that, because the real one was totally out of question.

Only being able to come up with the mist 'cliché' story ever, Mamou realized that he wasn't going to come up with anything better, so walked to door and knocked on it. Not too long he heard the squeaking from the wooden floor, and it got louder and louder as the person inside got closer.

Mamou heard the door being unlocked, but only a small bit of it was opened.

"What do you want?" The person on the other side said, peeking through the small crack on the door. It was definitely a man and he didn't sound pleased.

"Sorry to bother you but, I was robbed and they took everything from me. Could you lend me some clothes or something?" Mamou said, trying to sound as polite as he could. He didn't want to piss off the other man even more.

There was silence for a moment. Then the man on the other side of the door said: "I didn't notice your... situation."

Then, the door opened and Mamou took a look at his face. He looked tired and stressed, bags under his eyes and heavy eyelids. Or at least, he could tell that about the left side of his face, since the other side was mostly covered by long bangs of brown hair. A quick look at his body showed that he had a multitude of bandages all around his arms and torso.

"Hmm... Are you OK?" Mamou couldn't help but ask. It wasn't like he was worried about a man he just met, but it was hard to simply 'brush off' all that.

"Yes. Enter. I'll get the clothes." The man turned around and started walking to another room, as Mamou did as he said and got inside, closing the door.

He kind of wanted to sit down in one of the chairs there, but he wasn't planning to stay for too long, so there was no point on making himself comfortable. He looked around and there was paper everywhere, with many things written in all of them. There was also a small lab kit resting on a table.

A scientist? Mamou thought to himself, crouching to get one of the papers on the floor. "Now let's see here.. "

He read through the paper and, even though he was a scientist himself, he never saw anything like that. None of that made much sense either.

Mamou suddenly heard the click of a gun. He shifted his attention from the paper to the noise just to find himself face to face with the other man, pointing a gun at him.

"What do you think you are doing?" The man said, his voice now sounding full of anger.

"I... I got curious, that's all! And I didn't even understand it, really!" Mamou was still a little bit jumpy about the incident with Lupin, so that gun really caught him off guard.

The man lowered his gun, approached Mamou and took the paper from him, as he handed him the clothes.

"This is what I could do. Now put these on and go look for someone else to bother." The other man said, going to table with the lab kit and putting the paper there.

"You know, I'm a scientist too, but I don't work with chemicals like you." Mamou commented as he put on the trousers. They were a little bit too tight, but nothing he couldn't bare. When he realized he wouldn't get any answer from the other man, he spoke again. "I just realized I didn't tell you my name. I'm Kyosuke Mamou. What's yours?"

There was another pause and Mamou thought that he wasn't getting an answer to that either, but then the other man finally talked, still focused on his lab kit.


"Pycal?" Mamou raised an eyebrow. What kind of name was that?

"This is just a nickname. There's no need for you to know more than that." Pycal kept pouring things inside test tubes, measuring volumes and whatnot.

At that time, Mamou had finished putting on the shirt and was ready to leave. "So, good bye I guess." He said, knowing Pycal wouldn't even bother to talk back. When his hand was on the door's handle, he heard Pycal call him. He stopped on his tracks, waiting to see what he had to say.

"You weren't robbed, were you?"

Giving a step back, Mamou tried to think of a way to get out of that situation. He could run away, again, but then he would be running from yet another person. He didn't need that.

"And why do you think that?" Mamou asked, realizing that the story he made up was even lamer than he originally thought..

"When people get robbed they call the police. They don't wander naked in the woods." Pycal finally turned his attention from the chemistry kit to Mamou. "Besides, I know who you are. You were expelled from your association because your ideas weren't exactly... Conventional."

"Apparently, telling you my name was a mistake, right?" Mamou said, crossing his arms. "But why is it hard to believe I was robbed?"

"I'm just assuming you would be smarter than that, that's all." Pycal explained, going back to his kit.

"Want to know the truth? Very well. I wasn't robbed, but I was tricked. I got overconfident and ended up getting careless." Mamou told his story the shortest way he could. "But I swear, I'll have my revenge, for the sake of my clan."

"You looking for revenge too? I guess we are a more similar than I thought..." Pycal said, shaking his head.

"So that's what this is all about?" Mamou looked around at the papers scattered on the floor.

"Yes. Once I find what I'm looking for, Lupin will be a dead man." Pycal didn't really feel like hiding who he was after.

"You, you said Lupin? You mean, Lupin the Third?" Mamou sounded surprised, as he gave a step back. What were the odds of such a coincidence?

"Is there another one?" Pycal asked, with a tone of anger in his voice.

"That might come off really odd, but the man that tricked me was-"

"Lupin?" Pycal completed Mamou's phrase, a devilish smile forming on his lips.

"Yes. I was trying to stop him so then my clan wouldn't have to go through a terrible experience, but I failed..." there was a lot of grief and anger on Mamuo's voice. What would happen to his clan now? Were they really going to get wiped out, just like that? Without even putting up a fight?

"Tell you what Mamou, let's make a deal: you help me with my research and I'll gladly eliminate Lupin for the both of us. You agree?"

Mamou stayed quiet for a while. For someone that just now was threatening him with a gun, that Pycal guy was pretty quick about asking him to join forces.
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