Jesus App for Somarium =D

Mar 14, 2011 12:02

[Player name] Ukiby
[Age] 23
[Personal Journal] ukiby_chan
[Other characters currently played]
Daisuke Jigen / Lupin III / m19_lover
Kirby / Kirby / pink_star_rider

[Character name] Jesus (probably going to try and disguise that though, because, hm, yeah XD)
[Age] Over 2,000 years old, but looks like he's in his mid 20's
[Canon] Saint Young Men
[Point in time taken from canon] Somewhere after chapter 12 (the last one to get a translation to English, so I don't want to take on parts of the manga I don't know)

The story of Jesus is no secret to anyone. He's the son of God, came down to Earth to help us poor mortal souls and, ultimately, became one of the greatest martyr's to ever walk among us.

And even though Saint Young Men does seem to include bits and pieces of Jesus' life throughout the story, it's pretty clear that the objective of the story is far from educating people on the ways of Christianity (or Buddhism, if you take into consideration that Buddha is the second main character).

SYM is just a 'slice of life' manga that tell us the greatest WHAT IF story one ever heard: what if Jesus and Buddha came down to Earth, and started sharing an apartment and live in modern day Japan? Told you it was farfetched...

As they live their day-by-day life, they come across all kinds of situations and people, and end up learning how to live together and whatnot. They also try to keep a low profile on who they really is (even though Buddha has a hard time passing by unnoticed, considering hos Buddhism is really big in Japan)

Since this series doesn't really follow a fixed story with beginning-middle-end, to tell the background on Jesus here, I'm going to talk about the chapters on the manga (up until the one I can actually read *lol*).

The first episode tells how Jesus goes off to get some groceries, since it's Buddha's 'day off' and he tells his friend that, when going out, some girls pointed at him and compared his looks to those of Johnny Deep (???) and he excitedly tells Buddha to go out too and see what they have to say about him. The other deity soon comes back, visibly bummed, because people only compared him to... Buddha.

The next chapter tells us about their trip to Asakusa, a place that's full of temples and whatnot (much to Buddha's desperation, since he's trying to hard to pass by unnoticed). Jesus tells him that everything will be OK and that nothing will happen. they split and Buddha tells Jesus not to buy anything useless and/or expensive, since they are trying to save money. This pretty much falls upon deaf ears, since Jesus returns shortly after, after buying a pretty costy full samurai costume just because it 'looked cool'. That angers Buddha greatly and Jesus tries to mend the situation telling him that he means to wear the suit as a pyjama to experience the Japanese culture to it's fullest (worst excuse ever), but Buddha seems to accept that and instantly calms down. When they finally go to take the train back home, it is as crowded as it can be, and they end up getting split up, with only Jesus boarding the train and Buddha being forced to spend the night at the train station.

Next comes the amusement park chapter (one of my favourites!) where Jesus tries to take Buddha to the roller coaster. When they get close to the ride, the Indian God can't help but not notice the screams of people coming from the ride, and he starts to get worried about their safety. Apparently, Jesus had been to an amusement park before and explain his friend that there's nothing to worry about, and he even says that, the first time he went to a roller coaster, the angels came down to Earth because he was screaming, because they thought he was being persecuted again or something. Later on, Jesus wants to watch the parade but Buddha tells him that's a good time to go shopping for stuff because the stores are closed. Jesus, not to disappoint his friend, agrees on going shopping, but it's soon clear that he's really, REALLY willing to watch the parade, as he starts bleeding from his crown of thorns (which indicates clearly that he's highly frustrated or trying really hard to go against something he really wants to do). After that display they actually go to watch the parade, and this actually brings their friendship one step above <3

The next chapter, where they are at a street market, is all about them trying to get prizes and whatnot (they even end up getting a real-life size statue of Buddah XD) and they end up getting into a comedy contest, and they end up winning only because they are God's and people are, naturally, easily impressed by them (even i they jokes are extremelly lame...). Strangely enough, it seemed like Jesus had been 'preparing' for that ocassion for quite a while, since he seems to have a small notebook filled with ideas for such a situation...

Then we go into hobbies and we find out that Jesus has ablog on the Internet (yep. Jessus here is pretty technology savvy apparently *giggles*) and he talks about all the drama series that are broadscated on the TV (Jes, you have so much free-time on your hands, I don't even...) The best part on this chapter is when Jesus finds out there's nothing to eat on the house and Buddah gives him stones and water, telling him to turn those to bread and wine, and Jesus doesn't seem very 'happy' with that offering.

In comes the public pool chapter, where Jesus admits that he's actually afraid of swimming (hence why he walks on water *lol*). Buddah tries to convince him to try and put his head underwater to try and conquer his fear. Jesus does try that, but only ends up splitting the water of the pool (so much for a low profile...). Later on, they go to a sauna and there they meet with a group of men that belong to the mafia, and Jesus is clueless enough not to notice that. But, something 'good' comes out of it: the guys from the yakuza think Jesus is the son of a high-ranking boss and start paying respect for him and whatnot...

Chapter 7 talks about how Jesus get things for both him and Buddah (yet again spending money they don't have). He buys himself a little oven so then he can make things out of argile, and gets his pal a drawing kit so then he can work on some comic strips and whatnot. Jesus does make a nice little vase and put it on the oven. Although, much to his surprise, and he takes the vase out he finds out that it got turned into a loaf of bread (since it looks like Jesus doesn't have full control of his 'miracles' and, when in a really great mood seems to make them occur randomly).

The autumn festival chapter is a great one, where they cross paths with the yakuza guys once again. Sure that this is after Jesus ends up meeting 'cotton candy of doom'. He excitedly buys one, but soon finds out he isn't exactly good at eating something so sweet and sticky, and the cotton candy gets al over his face and hair... But the mafia guys are kind enough to help him clean himself up.

Also, on chapter 9, it seems like Jesus don't seem to remember his birthday as easily as one might expect, as it's Christmas and he seems pretty clueless about the fact. Buddah tries to keep him ignorant about it so then he can make him a surprise, but after going out, and they get home there's a multitude of angels there to say 'ahppy birthday' to him, and that's where Jesus finally 'gets the hint'.

Then the New Year's eve chapter comes around and Jesus is... Just being himself, really. He puts up a wish on this wall where he asks for Buddah to say 'yes' on buying a new laptop, lets incense smoke get directly into his eyes in hopes that it'll make the pain he had been feeling on them to go away (just to find out he just needs to inhale the smoke) and then they go back home to play some games to pass time so then they can see the first sunrise of the year, but they are way too 'pure' for any game to have a nice twist. Poor deities...

The last two chapters are more centered around Buddah. Alhough, chapter 11 has something nice: Buddah gets sick and it's up to Jesus to nurse him back to health. At some point, Buddah asks him if he can't just use his healing powers, but Jesus is unsure of how his powers work on other holy entitties. He then wonders if there could be any chance of him turning Buddah to bread if he tried something like that (which is really weird and obviously annoys the other holy man).

OK, that's all I got, really. Wish I knew more about when the archangels come around, but unfortunately all those chapters are still in Japanese only...

As it would be expected from Jesus, he's always willing to help others, no matter what, even though his attempts of 'helping' people might seem a little bit unorthodox and they tend to fail, sometimes (which is a HUGE paradox considering how he always seemed so good at it on the Bible...). Also, as expected, he never judges people's personalities, and will just interfere on people's decisions if they seem to be doing harm to themselves or others. Otherwise, he will leave you to your devices and will even support you, depending on the situation.

Another clear trait of his on the series is that he's completely and absolutely laid back (what contrasts clearly with Buddha's always worried attitude). All in all, Jesus just wants to have some fun and then talk about it at the end of the day. He usually doesn't care about situations that look really problematic, even though he seems to 'freak out' at rather simple things (like, when Buddha loses his clothes when they go to the public pool, Jesus doesn't seem worried, but when he has to decided between to different meals, it's like torture to him).

Jesus also has a terrible habit that he seem to have acquired by living in modern times: spending more money than he actually should, usually on frivolous stuff like DVDs and snacks. But that also means that he won't hesitate buying things for the people he care for, so you can take that trait of his as something good or bad, depending on your view of things.

He also seems quite interested in TV shows and whatnot, and might come off as a sort of 'TV nerd', by knowing about all the latest series and their episodes, specially Japanese dramas.

You can also tell that Jesus is a little bit too easily amused by the wonders of today's world, and everything new seems to pick his interest almost instantly, specially when it comes to a place's regional culture (because, he just seems ridiculously fascinated by everything Japanese, so mun here is guessing that he would be amazed by other new places as well).

Another thing to be noted is that Jesus always seem quite clueless about things that are RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. It might take some time until he 'gets a hint' so it's better to tell him things straight than trying to beat around the bush, or else you are getting nowhere.

Last but not least, despite his 'holiness' and whatnot, it's clear that Jesus, during the series, is a little bit lacking on the 'inspirational words' department. Like, he can give people support, but it's not like he's going to give you a heavily worded speech to inspire you (unlike Buddha). He's mure likely to just tell you something like "Yeah! LET'S GO!" (truly, he's the voice of a generation...)

Well, despite his personality being a little bit off, he IS Jesus and, taking that into consideration, he has the usual skills one would expect him to do.

He can turn water to wine, rocks to bread, multiply fish, cure the ill... You know, typical Jesus' skills.

Also, he's able to communicate easily with animals (who always seem to be willing to sacrifice themselves to him, as weird as this sounds).

Strangely enough, it seems like his powers are a little bit 'out' of his control, as he seems to make miracles happen involuntarily when he's overly happy with something.

[Other important stuff]
When he feels really inspired or when in the best of moods, roses bloom from the crown of thorns around his head. Yes, they do.

[Sample post]
[First Person]

[After walking down the street for a couple of minutes, Jesus finally found what he was looking for: a bakery!]

Ah, great! [He eyes the front window of the shop.] And everything looks really good!

[He gets inside, his eyes scanning the place.]

OK, so, we need to stock on bread for the rest of the week and I have... [He rummages through his pockets, pulling some money from it.] Hmm... 1,500. OK so... [More scanning, until his eyes fal on a large loaf of Melon Bread.] Ah! Melon pan! My favourite!

Oh, it sure looks delicious... [He checks on the price tag... It's a little bit on the pricey side.]

I know Buddha told me not to spend this money on anything but normal bread, but still... [He starts to make calculations inside his mind.] I could buy one and then the use the rest of the money for regular bread. But I don't think there'll be enough left for two loafs of the regular kind... That's how much we usually eat in a week... [He taps his foot on the floor, trying to come up with a decision.]

But it has been so long since I had any bread aside from the normal one... And what's good on being in Japan and not be able to buy the kind of bread only found in a place like this? [He fiddles nervously with the single 1,000 yen bill on his hand.] Still, I shouldn't disappoint Buddha this time. He was already mad enough yesterday when I got home with that bag of hard candy.

[He keeps looking at the loaf of Melon Pan in front of him as his nostrils are filled with the sweet smell. And this is where he starts bleeding from his crown of thorns out of frustration.]

[Third Person]

Being around Somarium for a while, Jesus got used to the strange mechanics of that place and its weird events. It wasn't like strange happenings were foreign in his life. In fact, when he was born, way back into the past, he always seemed to be followed by strange - and sometimes highly unpleasant - events that were out of his control. So, that new world was just more of the same.

But what he didn't get used to was to go back to his apartment and find it completely devoid of 'life'. Despite his clear differences with Buddha, he grew accustomed to the other man and they had started to build a really nice bond. Even if Buddha could be quite menacing on his lectures, Jesus actually appreciated that, because that held back him a little and prevented him from doing something silly - like start buying all the DVD seasons of House or something like that.

He tried to fill the apartment with a couple of potted plants, in hopes that would bring a more 'lively' look to it, but to no avail. Jesus soon found out that, despite his abilities to heal humans, plants seemed to have a tendency to die on him quite often, and he would always come back home to find one of them on the verge of death, being it due to lack of water, or the excess of it, since Jesus was quite bad at keeping track of what pots he had already water and which ones he didn't.

When he saw the small pot of petunias he had bought not even a week ago all withered, he started to rethink his recent decision to buy a pet. God only knows what could happen to the poor thing, and Jesus also didn't want to deal with the implication of said dog trying to sacrifice itself to him whenever he was feeling hungry...

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] First of all, this series is, like, my life. I simply adore it! It's so out of this world, I don't even... Also, Jesus' personality on this series might be a little bit too similar to my own, and it would be nice to RP a character that resembles me in so many levels.
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] The self-cest rule is good (and is actually preventing me from applying for characters that are a little bit too close to the ones I RP *haha*)
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] Why, I play the game! That's how I heard about it *lol*
[Any questions?] Nope <3

roleplaying, application

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