Hey, I'm still alive, ya know???

Oct 18, 2010 16:16

So, hey there folks /waves

lolly_gaggery is one of the few people that really know I'm alive and, well, I thought it would be nice updating this here journal to let all you know about that too *haha*

Recently, I've been returning to RPing after a season off. I needed to sort my priorities and, specially, my emotional state when it comes to RPing, because I failed so hard at my last attempts that I thought I was completely and totally inept for it. But it seems like I'm doing fine over Somarium, using dear Jigen as my character. At least for now *haha*

Speaking of that, aside from starting my Princess Peach cosplay (not this year, but on the next, when there's no college exams, X-mas and other things on the way that I might have to worry about) I think I'll be working on a parallel cosplay project to cosplay lovely Jigen. I dunno. i just feel like doing this. Is that a good idea? I know I would feel pretty badass while doing that, and I definitely need that 'upgrade' in my self-esteem *haha*

I might also follow this suggestion that was given to me and I might cosplay Elisa/Ursula from MGS Ops, because it's a fairly easy cosplay. I just don't know if I'll be Ursula or Elisa. Because I'm more like Elisa, but I TOTALLY dig Ursula's outfit, so, yeah XD A little bit hard to choose.

And I'm yet again delaying my Shermie cosplay. And my Farah Oersted cosplay too. And that BB Hood one as well. And EVA. I want to cosplay so many things is ridiculous. All I know is that I would look pretty good as Shermie due to my MASSIVE thighs and hips. That would be totally in character *haha*

I suddenly put that together with the Jigen cosplay idea and now it looks like a BAD idea *lol* Them child bearing hips... I guess I would be better off cosplaying MGS2 Raiden (sorry, couldn't resist...)

It would be nice if I could 'force' Lucas to cosplay Lupin, so we could cause havoc all over the next con *haha* But until today he never agreed on cosplaying BB with me if I ever were to cosplay EVA D= He's so mean TT.TT Just kidding XD

But, hm, yeah. i better stop rambling about cosplaying and go back to work, because, really...

lupin iii, metal gear, cosplay

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