OK, so...

Apr 17, 2009 00:26

Day was awesome. I finished the job I had to hand in next Thursday (what makes me full of joy and free time) and I just got this thing from rayeli that I need to fill out.

Comment to this entry here, then I'll pick a character you know well, then answer the questions below in an entry.
She game me dear Roy Campbell

1. Do you like this character?

I mean, yes. I like him a lot *shifty eyes* Even though, it seems like no one is sharing the joy with me. And that's sad. I want someone to fangirl over him with me...

2. What name/names do you call this character?
Nothing strange (yet). Even though I have a tendency to almost always refer to him as Roy (in fics and other things), even though this name is used in only ONE game (Portable Ops that is). I seem to have a problem calling him Colonel. I'm weird.

3. What image-color do you associate with this character?
Anh... Well... *thinks* Brown??? That was the first thing that came to my mind, really.

4. What image-song do you associate with this character?
The whole Portishead album "Third", I kid you NOT. Specially the first track of the album.

5. What blood-type do you think this character is?
Hmm... B?

6. Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?
I have the worst habit ever of pairing Roy with anything that breathes (OK, not really). But I have a strange sick pleasure by pairing him with Ocelot. This is just weird in so many levels I just can't describe.

7. What would you want to say to this character?
Now Roy dear, just two things: stop being so goddamn helpless and how the hell did you get a Colonel title anyways???

8. Which do you want to do with this character: Shake hands, hug or kiss?
*blushes and walks away* *is really not answering what she would do* *specially to young Roy* Bandages *¬*

meme, metal gear

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