So, I~m posting this here, because I want an opinion from you guys and girls.
You see, I've been creating lots of original female characters lately, but, I'm always having this feeling that they are Mary Sues, so, you might want to help me clear that out. It would help me a lot and I would fell more confident about starting these fics, seriously.
To help you, I added some stuff from this test I took.
Princess Cherry
Age: Something around 27-30 years. She isn't THAT young.
Related to: Mario Universe (more specifically, related to Wario)
Race: Human, Chinese
Things from the test:
-She is of my gender.
-There's an unusual story centering around Cherry's birth or infancy. (Well, she was found by some strange 'Mario World' creatures and was raised by them to be their princess)
-She was adopted, raised by people other than her parents, or for some reason has no biological parents. (She was raised by people from a neighbour country of the Mushroom Kingdom)
-Cherry is any sort of nobility or royalty. (Princess, from a country I still didn't name *lol* Probably something oriental, because that's what and her 'people' are)
-Cherry was abandoned by her parents or guardians. (Not exactly 'abandoned'. Her parents are never really mentioned in the fic, seriously. I should think about it though)
-Cherry is persecuted by an authority figure (parent, superior officer, et cetera) out of spite, jealousy, revenge, or general meanness. For turning down that authority figure's sexual advances. (Count Madory, that might look human, but, nah, he really isn't. Not with those wacky powers).
-Cherry frequently looses her temper and yells at other characters. (usually, she acts like this towards Wario *lol*)
And the score is...: Cherry is nothing like you. She is not at all cool; in fact, she thinks cool is a temperature reading, and when she says "Oh, I just put on whatever old thing's lying around," she means "on the floor, where I threw it last night - but I turned the underwear inside out first." She may have sometimes thought that she was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. She's come in for her share of hurt, but gotten off with minor damage. And she's gotten no slack from you.
*lol* That was funny, because, she suffers almost the whole fic, pretty much like I don't care about her XD I actually feel bad about her, seriously. Plus, the end is kind of 'unexpected', if you take into account Wario's usual reactions to things.
Amanda (I still didn't decide her second name, OK?????)
Age: 17 or 16. I still don't know
Related to: Fu***** Metal Gear, I kid you not. I started liking the series, like, four weeks ago *lol* What a record!
Race: Human, thank God XD And American
Things from the test:
-She is of my gender.
-Amanda is a teenager. (Damn teenagers always bothering Snake *lol*)
-She regularly wears heavy weaponry. (what did you expect? She's in an army for God's sake!)
-She has a drug habit, an alcohol habit, smokes, or is in any way an addict. (she drinks. Like a man *lol*)
-She was adopted, raised by people other than her parents, or for some reason has no biological parents. (she has been in the army since she was 13, simply because she wanted *lol* This counts as rising, right? The Colonel approved that though, what doesn't surprise me)
-Amanda is able to pick up complex skills (swordfighting, combat piloting, military tactics) with astonishing rapidity that causes her to be hailed as "a natural". (OK, so, 16, and in the army? And a girl? And being chosen to a 'special mission'? Not normal at all O.O)
-Amanda enters a battlefield or similarly dangerous situation from which she has been specifically forbidden by older and wiser heads. (Well, Snake told her not to go, but she went anyways. It was her biggest mistake ever.)
And the score is...: Amanda is nothing like you. She isn't really very cool: she blends into crowds, she hangs out on the fringes at parties, and wearing shades after dark makes her run into things. There's never been anything special about her that she could see; boy, is she in for a surprise. She's got no emotional scars to speak of. And you've been sparing with the free handouts: whatever she gains, she's worked for.
Actually, Amanda happens to die near the end of the 'saga' (yep, spoilers), what makes Snake pretty mad, since he was supposed to protect her (she was, like, only a part of Snake's 'disguise' and wasn't supposed to go and 'fight'). She also often acts like a boy. She tells Snake that she acts like this to repel man. And, well, it works really well *haha*
Erika Sanders
Age: 18-20
Related to: X-men Evolutions (I still love the first season of the show)
Race: Human/Mutant, American
Things from the test:
-She is of my gender.
-She and I are in the same general age group (teenagers, twenty-somethings, et cetera). (I'm 20)
-There are prophecies about Erika. (Here we go again... Magneto is yet again trying to use a mutant for his own selfish stuff...)
-Erika has psychic abilities, exceptional strength, magical powers, can heal with a touch, or has any other skill, talent, or power that we would consider superhuman. Practically no one else in the story has similar powers. (It's X-Men. What did you expect? And, incredibly enough, I found a power that no one has *haha*)
-Erika is a member of a despised race, social class, species, or similar group. (Well, mutants aren't really 'well accepted' in the cartoon universe)
-Erika is persecuted by an authority figure (parent, superior officer, et cetera) out of spite, jealousy, revenge, or general meanness. (Why you Magneto!)
-Everybody likes Erika. They sympathize with her problems, feel sorry for her and/or admire her. (Well, she's a nice girl.)
And the score is...: Same as Cherry, but with a more 'positive' vibe (you don't need to understand it)
Erika is special, because she can 'delete' mutant powers upon touching them. That's why it took her some time to discover that Mutants existed. Rogue ends up finding out about her power, when Erika touches her and don't feel a thing. She then moves to Xavier's mansion. Magneto's got an eye on her though...