Yesterday, I was thinking...

Dec 02, 2007 04:12

I started thinking about my 'high times' with Benadryl and I thought about writing this thing called "A guide to Benadryl", showing people what they should and what they shouldn't do while on it, because, after five months taking this almost twice a week, you start learning a lot *haha*

A Guide to Benadryl

First, take it on an environment where you feel comfortable. Be it your house, a party or anywhere. You have to enjoy the place. I've taken it to go to my computer class, more than once, and didn't really enjoyed it much. I prefer taking it at home, at night, in the peace of my bedroom. Just in really rare times my daytime experiences were pleasant.

Next, you have to plan before and what you're doing while on Ben. It gets pretty boring to sit around thinking what you're going to do next. Even though. you get plenty of time to do that, since time passes way slower when you are on it. But, don't take it all out of the blue. I done this some times and ended up with a horrible trip, with nothing to do.

Watch videos and, specially, listen to music. You get way more sensible to details on them that you never noticed before. I've listened to The Who Sell Out album, and, wow! It was amazing! I can't put it in words, really.

The more important thing is to feel good. Without feeling sick while tripping or throwing up... I've never thrown up, and for that I'm glad, because everyone says that burns like hell. To prevent feeling sick, here, take this apple. Yeah, apples are the answer for any sick feeling in the stomach. After the third bite, you already notice how the sickness go away. This is because apples are mostly base and Ben is mostly acid. So, apples kind of 'destroy' the acid and that's why you feel better.

Dry mouth... I still didn't find a cure for that.

Ben is only funny when you're actually doing something. Staying sit all day doing nothing isn't the best option. But,don't do things that require too much coordination, because Ben really mess up your 'abilities'.

Last, but not least, start with low doses! You don't know what will be your body's reaction. Some people hallucinate with just five pills. Some take 60 and still can't get hallucinations, so, slow down on the beginning, OK?

This said, good night and happy trips <3

random, drugs

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